Shadow people

The Dark Man in the Corner

13 January 2025 | Haunted houses, Shadow people, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

When I was young, I always wondered what it was like to experience the paranormal or anything of some sorts. By the time I reached adolescence, I had started to experience some paranormal activity.. due to my grandfather dying a couple of months before I turned 13. “Come down stairs lily” – said my mom I went down and asked her whats wrong…little did I known it would be a start of a new chapter in my life… As I arrived into the living room, my mom was breathing uncontrollably. “I saw him, He’s here!” I looked at my mom wondering why she was saying “him” and who was she referring to. I sat down and asked her ” what do you mean by him?” “Your grandfather he’s here, he

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A Confrontation at the Foundry

20 July 2024 | Hat Man, Shadow people, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

Despite the frequent unexplained occurrences at my wife’s clinic in The Foundry, I’d never felt genuinely afraid. As a believer in the paranormal, I was more intrigued than scared by the events. However, there came a point when I decided it was time to address the situation head-on. It started on a sweltering summer evening. The shopping centre was closed, and I went to the store alone to restock supplies. The darkness didn’t bother me; in fact, part of me hoped to encounter something out of the ordinary. I wasn’t disappointed. As I moved about the store, I became aware of a large, black shadow in the shape of a man. He wore a wide-brimmed hat and paced up and down the hallway of our clinic. I greeted him with

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Small Shadow Man

19 September 2022 | Shadow people, Your True Encounters

I lived in a lovely flat, on the coast of UK. I never had any problems with paranormal things there. But one night I woke up (which isn’t odd, I wake up most nights, instantly being very awake) so I needed to use the bathroom, which was across the square landing (that was totally empty) I did what I needed to, opened the bathroom door and was reaching up to turn the bathroom light off, as I would leave to go back to my bedroom. But this time as my arm was about to reach up, while opening the bathroom door, I saw this small shadow person, just standing there on the empty landing. Nothing was casting this shadow, as the only light was coming from the bathroom (directly at

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The Hat Man

06 September 2022 | Hat Man, Shadow people, Your True Encounters

I used to live in a big Victorian era home, that was chopped into 4 apartments. There was a tenant living in the apartment right next to mine. She was a single mother with 3 kids. She was also addicted to drugs. After they moved in, I started waking up to the hat man shadow. He would be staring at me and usually went back to her place. I didn’t feel it was ‘evil’ but it had a very strong presence. First I thought I was having dreams, but my dog ~ she slept on the bed next to me – was very aware of him. She didn’t act scared or aggressive, but she was very alert watching him, too. This woman was very paranoid, and sometimes would take off

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New Book – Liminal People: Terrifying Nightmare Parallel Realities

11 May 2022 | G. Michael Vasey's Nightmare Corner, Shadow people, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

With “Liminal People: Terrifying Nightmare Parallel Realities,” G. Michael Vasey researched and compiled a series of accounts that will leave you in terror. This isn’t fiction—these are accounts of the unknown, the liminal people, and it might be best if you discover them before they discover you. Michael Vasey is the leading expert on the Black Eyed Kids phenomenon, a radio host, bestselling author, and this new release from him should leave you asking questions about the reality you currently live in. For those who are interested in the unknown, the supernatural, or even the dimensional, this book is one you should be picking up. We are scared after reading it—do you dare give it a try? What Is “Liminal People: Terrifying Nightmare Parallel Realities” About? Demons, Angels, Shadow People,

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Episode 8 – Parasitic Entities….

28 July 2020 | G. Michael Vasey's Nightmare Corner, Old hag, Shadow people, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

A couple of years ago on a night train across Germany, I had an old hag experience. Since I could see the entity after escaping sleep paralysis, I was puzzled. How could that be? The experience terrified me and led to an investigation of the phenomenon that resulted in my book – “Basic Instinct: Erotic Paranormal Contact:: The Old Hag and the Mysterious World of Sleep Paralysis” .   In this episode of the magical world of G. Michael Vasey, I use material from the book to explain why I think that parasitic entities exist and feed on our fears. Be careful what you yearn for….. it may just manifest!   As I state in the show, I am not the only person expounding such an idea. Anthony Peake suggests

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My First Encounter With a Shadowman

23 July 2020 | Shadow people, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

So, I was just 10 years old back then. I’m 39 now and I can still spot the shadow people almost every time. The first time I saw them was when I was sleeping late at night. At least I was trying to. I was awake but still very sleepy and my desk was just right next to my bed. It was a big old fashioned house in middle of a Village also known as Brna – there was two of them – a supposed girl one with long hair and her body was all black and she was very close to me – inches away. She was under my desk. She kind of was way smaller than the one that was very slowly walking trough the hallway between my

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I Scared A Ghost!

19 June 2020 | G. Michael Vasey's Nightmare Corner, Haunted houses, Shadow people, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

Episode 3 of the Magical world of G. Michael Vasey podcast (tune in here or iTunes etc.) released June 20th, features writer Thomas Bauerle. Thomas wrote a book about Japanese ghosts and his experiences with the paranormal in Japan that has sold well called – Kanashibari – True Encounters with the Paranormal in Japan. He discusses many of his experiences in the podcast including the time he scared a shadow man ghost…   G Michael Vasey – Music · The Magical World of G. Michael Vasey – Episode 3 – I scared a ghost! Thomas Bauerle has lived an entire lifetime of experiencing the paranormal and he talks about many of those experiences in the podcast. A particular focus of the book is Kanashibari, which is the Japanese equivalent of

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Shadow People

30 January 2020 | Shadow people, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

Okay, so I know that there is a shadow man but has anyone experienced shadow people? This probably sounds super weird and I think it all started around my 13th birthday. I just got out of a really bad friend group and noticed these strange “beings”. I call them “the Beings” because I can’t tell if they’re man or monster. Well, it was maybe a week after my 13 and I’d see a shadow that’s not mine when I’m in a room by myself. This was two years ago. Skip ahead two years and everything’s sooo much worse! I constantly feel as if I’m watched and I’m on edge. So much so that any loud, sudden noise and I’m a complete wreck. I don’t know if women are more prone

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My encounter with the Hatman

17 January 2020 | Audible Activity, Haunted houses, Shadow people, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

I grew up in an old country house, built near the start of the 1900s in SouthWestern Ontario. The house was out of the city limits, down a dirt road with no street lights and the closest neighbors were no less than 200 yards away from our property line. We had a large yard that was well populated with large old-growth pine trees, cedars, maple, oaks and willows. The inside of our house was rather basic, with a kitchen, bathroom, living room and our patents bedroom on the main floor, while my siblings and I had our rooms on the upstairs floor. The staircase was a typical old-school wooden staircase, complete with creaks and groans as you made your way up each step. The staircase had three initial stairs before

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Dragged from my Bed…

10 January 2020 | Haunted houses, Shadow people, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

When I was 5, we lived in a mobile home. The hall wasn’t long but, of course, for a child it was. My mom wouldn’t let us watch scary movies so what happened wasn’t triggered by that. So, I went to sleep but this night but there was a different feeling in my room. It felt scared for some reason. I would see dark shadows on my walls but I would just put the covers over my head. Suddenly, my covers were pulled off of my bed and I was afraid to open my eyes as I was being dragged out of my bed down the hall. I tried to scream and I couldn’t. When I opened my eyes there was a dark figure pulling at me. My Dad must

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The Shadow in the Doorway

01 January 2020 | Haunted houses, Shadow people, Your Stories

When I was younger, whenever I was sick or feeling sad I would always see this tall dark figure standing in a doorway near me. It always took up a good part of the doorway and I later associated the smell of vodka to it. Now we lived in north Missouri, so I thought it was just an old coal miner that died close to the property we had. So I found it weird when it followed me to Georgia to do my basic training. Upon getting home and seeing family I told my Grandpa, we’ll call him Tom, about it and he told me the story of the apparition. He told me that he saw the same apparition the day his dad, my great-grandpa, died at work. He suffered

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They are Real!

19 December 2019 | Haunted houses, Shadow people, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

What I’m about to tell you occurred when I was just five years old; I’m 53 now, but this event sticks in my head like it just happened yesterday. All I can say is, shadow people are real. My mother and I had flown from the U.S to England to visit family; this was my first time meeting my Aunt and her husband and we would staying at their house for about two weeks. Aunt Lily and Uncle Vic had never had children, but when I arrived, they had a fully loaded toy chest waiting for me with all sorts of goodies. The two items I immediately clocked on to were a metal Bat-mobile and a Batman flashlight that would supposedly shine the “bat-signal” on to a wall by way

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The Hat Man and Winged Woman

18 November 2019 | Shadow people, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

Been listening for a while now a year at least and just heard the story of the Hat Man on Weird Darkness on November 6th 2019. Decided for the first time to share my story about this…… My family and I are not new to the paranormal being that we lived on a graveyard of old asylum patients for the last 30 years. But I do remember this vividly and to this day. I still see them both. First time was at age 5 and about every year until now for about 21 years I see the Hat Man and the Winged Woman once a year. She always follows him after he appears. He can almost appear on command I feel like. I usually bring people over to show proof

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What Time is it? Asked the Hatman

13 November 2019 | Shadow people, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

My name is Nathan Romero. I am from Northeast Denver, in a neighborhood called Montbello. It was a summer night in late May early June and I was coming home from my night shift at UPS. As I am driving I can smell something awful-it smelled like something died and so bad I can taste it a little.  I continue driving with my shirt covering my nose and I lit a black and mild to mask the smell. I didn’t think anything of the smell as I thought maybe it was the waste management plant next to my neighborhood. As I get closer to my block and the smell starts to get stronger, I gag a little bit and as I’m sitting at the stop sign before my house, I

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