The Dark Man in the Corner

13 January 2025 | Haunted houses, Shadow people, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

When I was young, I always wondered what it was like to experience the paranormal or anything of some sorts. By the time I reached adolescence, I had started to experience some paranormal activity.. due to my grandfather dying a couple of months before I turned 13.

Come down stairs lily” – said my mom

I went down and asked her whats wrong…little did I known it would be a start of a new chapter in my life…

As I arrived into the living room, my mom was breathing uncontrollably.

I saw him, He’s here!

I looked at my mom wondering why she was saying “him” and who was she referring to. I sat down and asked her ” what do you mean by him?

Your grandfather he’s here, he has never left us

I don’t have very found memories of my grandfather.. he was a very serious man and by the sounds of it my mom has always called him strict and a liar.
I told her to stop joking around, but even then she looked scared and miserable…I went up to my room, hoping I would get over this cannon event (mind you it was at least 9 pm at night). As it was time to go to bed.. I smelled a familiar scent, a musk similar to that worn by my grandfather. I didn’t think much of it ..well I did, but not enough to go crazy like my mom. I turned off the lights and tried getting some sleep, since I had a final exam the next morning. Still smelling the scent, I struggled to sleep and not even minutes later gave up and sat up with discomfort. But something is completely off..

As I turned to were the darkest corner in my room was… I saw a man.. a horribly distressed looking man standing and slowly towering over me.

I have no recollection of what happened next but I woke up the next morning …. feeling as if I had my life sucked out of me..

Fast forward a few years later and I still experience these type of paranormal activities and it makes me wonder.. Am I crazy? Was it just anxiety built up due to my mom ? or am I just looking at someone who died …

Submitted by Whoknowswhatiknow

© 2025, G. Michael Vasey & My Haunted Life (Unless indicated otherwise by author’s own copyright above). All rights reserved.

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