
Is This A Ghost?

15 May 2016 | Evidence?

Take a look – what do you all think?    

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CCTV Footage of Ghosts?

20 April 2016 | Evidence?

Does this CCTV footage capture the ghosts of seven monks in Mansfield, Notts or what on earth could it be?

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A Haunted Coal Mine?

17 March 2016 | Evidence?, Ghosts in the news, Haunted

Many years ago, I spent several summers on Cap Breton Island in Canada. I visited the coal mining museum – I didn’t find it creepy at all. It was very interesting. Now, however, paranormal investigators have been there too and turned up strange sounds, voices and more besides…. you can read about it on the News Atlantic website and watch the short video too….. creepy!! A group of paranormal investigators believe there could be spirits haunting abandoned mines in Glace Bay, N.S. After hearing about some spooky encounters at the Cape Breton Miners Museum, Jason Murphy and his investigative team decided they wanted to check things out for themselves. “For us, it was just to come see if there’s anything here. So many men were lost in mining accidents, it

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Hearing Voices….

26 January 2016 | Evidence?, Ghosts in the news

Here is an interesting article from the Epoch Times by Tara MacIsaac about ghost voices and EVP along the lines of my book – Ghosts In The Machines. In Beyond Science, Epoch Times explores research and accounts related to phenomena and theories that challenge our current knowledge. We delve into ideas that stimulate the imagination and open up new possibilities. Share your thoughts with us on these sometimes controversial topics in the comments section below. When it comes to the phenomenon of purportedly hearing ghost voices, some studies have shown there’s a small chance there’s really something supernatural to it. Some other studies, however, have shown it’s most likely people subjectively hearing what they want or expect to hear in random noise. Some of the most stunning cases are hard

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Spooky Australian Graveyard Attracting Interest

17 December 2015 | Evidence?, Ghost Hunting, Ghosts in the news

News Local for Sydney, Australia has a really great story by Joanne Vella with images regarding a spooky graveyard there and its collection of ghosts…. USING a high spectrum camera, paranormal investigators have captured what they believe is an ‘anomaly’ at St Bartholomew’s Cemetery in Sydney’s west and it’s an image that will undoubtedly have sceptics scoffing and believers transfixed.Fuelling a sceptic’s cynicism, the image was captured on Halloween night when one of the regular tours was held at the Prospect cemetery — known to locals as “St Bart’s”. The anomaly was snapped at the burial place of explorer William Lawson and other early settlers. Many believe the cemetery and church, opened in 1841 and destroyed by fire in 1989, is haunted. Four members of Sydney South West Paranormal Investigators

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Paranormal Investigators Capture A Chair Moving By Itself

28 August 2015 | Evidence?, Ghost Hunting, Ghosts in the news

An interesting report in the Daily Express in which there is footage of a chair moving by itself…. what do you think? See the story about the haunted house in Newcastle

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Watch Haunted Puppet Move After Allegedly Choking Its Owner [Video]

13 August 2015 | Bizarre, Evidence?, Ghosts in the news

A haunted puppet that allegedly tried to strangle its owner recently shocked a British paranormal investigator by seemingly moving its control bar all by itself. The puppet’s movement was captured on camera, but it took three long months of filming before the toy got caught using its supposed paranormal power. According to the Daily Mail, the footage above was filmed by a well-known paranormal investigator named Jayne Harris. She specializes in haunted dolls, but she admits that she’s never seen anything like the haunted puppet footage above. It was taken in the middle of the night while the puppet sat inside a sealed cabinet. “I’ve never had anything as exciting as this,” Harris said. “I’ve caught pictures of mists, orbs and shadows but nothing as physical as this video evidence.”

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Paranormal hunters claim to ‘prove ghosts exist’ after snapping one ‘above mass grave’

05 August 2015 | Evidence?, Ghosts in the news

GHOST hunters who were exploring an old community hall are claiming a paranormal coup after snapping “the eerie figure of a man” sat in the “haunted” building above a plague pit. By JON AUSTIN Spook chasers Jodie Carman and Chris Hunter claim “the figure’s head and shoulders can clearly be made out in seats a few rows in front of her” and appeared after a series of unexplainable bumps and noises, while they were still, and a woman apparently being possessed. The pair, who are refusing to identify the building in Norwich, said they were so stunned at seeing the “apparition” at the time, they shone a torch, but the chair was empty. They insist that no one else was in the old community venue at the time the photo

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Photo of candle-lit ‘ghost’ terrifies museum staff after spooky paranormal evening

22 July 2015 | Evidence?, Ghosts in the news

BY GLEN JAMES The snap, taken at Torquay Museum in Devon, appears to show a woman in old clothing emerging from the floor SWNSScary? The ghostly figure appeared while nobody else was in shot Staff at a museum say they are terrified after they captured this spooky photograph of a candle-lit ‘GHOST’ creeping between the artefacts. The scary snap appears to shows a woman in old clothing emerging from the floor and casting her eyes down towards a light. It was taken during a ghost hunting evening at Torquay Museum in Devon and staff claim nobody else was in the room when it was shot. The image was captured in the museum’s Old Devon Farmhouse Gallery – a mock-up of a cottage filled with 300-year-old artifacts and furniture. Staff were

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A girl in a red dress and a shadowy figure hopping over headstones: How Toowoomba became Australia’s most haunted town

03 June 2015 | Evidence?, Ghosts in the news, Haunted

Is this Australia’s most haunted town? A growing number of residents in the regional Queensland town of Toowoomba are documenting a series of spine-tingling encounters with ghosts. The other-worldly activity is so frequent, a team of ghost hunters has set up shop in the not-so-sleepy town. Scroll down for video This picture, taken in May 2012, is said to be of a ghost hovering near a grave Toowoomba Ghost Chasers has travelled around Toowoomba and the surrounding areas since it was created by Kylie Samuels and Katie Harvey, who hope they are the ones locals call when there’s something strange in the neighbourhood. ‘We have found Toowoomba is full of ghosts,’ founder Ms Samuels said. The group has researched a number of reported sightings, and documents them with photos, videos

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Charlie Charlie Challenge: Your terrifying experiences of summoning a MEXICAN DEMON in bizarre viral ritual

27 May 2015 | Evidence?, Ghosts in the news, Ouija

A terrifying new Twitter craze claims a simple ritual can be used to summon the spirit of a MEXICAN DEMON called Charlie – and our readers have shared some of their most horrifying experiences of the challenge. Screams, whispers, broken mirrors and shaking bookshelves are just some of the super-spooky results of the ouija board-inspired game, which has prompted youngsters from across the world to claim they have communicated with a sombrero-wearing spook. Our readers were asked to try out the game for themselves and see whether it really does work – with amazing results. From rattling door handles to mysterious scratching noises, our readers have endured some terrifying experiences when trying to conjure the demon. One reader even shares his unearthly encounter with a sinister man who has ‘black

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Paranormal Corner: Pennsville family experiences activity; JUMPS witnesses phenomenon

19 May 2015 | Evidence?, Ghosts in the news

Blow flies. They eat decomposing bodies. They lay their eggs on rotting meat or in animal feces. And a swarm of them showed up for no reason in a home located in a pleasant neighborhood in Pennsville Township. After moving into the cozy rancher in 2011, the family – husband, wife and four young children – began noticing strange activity. The matriarch – who believes she is empathic – noticed the strange experiences and began investigating the phenomenon on her own using a Ouija board, and calling upon a medium. Still in need of help, she reached out to Jersey Unique Minds Paranormal Society to request an investigation. “We live here in fear,” she said. “This house drains our energy and is tearing us apart.” As an empath, the client

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