June 2015

A Voice From Beyond The Grave

19 November 2024 | June 2015, Your Stories

  When I was about six, or seven, years old, our home phone rang. It was about 9pm at night. My mum was busy in the other room, so she asked me to answer it. When I did, at first I heard lots of static. I repeated over and over again, “Hello? Hello?” But nobody answered, just all this static. Thinking that must have been a wrong number, I started to hang up. But then a voice caught me. “Hello?” said the voice. To my surprise, it sounded like my grandfather. So I said, “Grandpa? Grandpa? I can’t hear you.” And he said something like, “Hi, baby. How are you? Can I speak with your mommy?” So, thinking it was my mothers father, who is still with us, I gave my mom the phone and left the room.

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The Old Man in the Graveyard

18 November 2024 | June 2015, Your Stories

I was at the crematorium just after my boyfriend Robert died. I was putting flowers on his plot. As you can imagine, I was very upset, I just missed him so much. I also think that sometimes our emotions can play tricks on us, so I am not sure if I had imagined it or if this really happen.  I was there kneeling by the plot crying and talking to him, telling him how much I missed him. All of a sudden I looked round and there behind me was an old man. I still do not know where he appeared from as it was early morning and the crematorium was completely empty when I arrived. The “Old Man” smiled at me and said to me, “Do not worry and be upset. He is okay

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My Girlfriend’s Ghastly Friend

17 November 2024 | June 2015, Your Stories

The absolute weirdest experience ever was when I was dating a girl while in grad school, who admitted that she was kind of seeing someone else at the time, but he lived on the other side of the state.  She told me that he and his previous girlfriend had been in a car accident the year before, yadda yadda yadda. One night, I looked out my window and there was something sitting on the balcony of my apartment, looking in at us.  It was a woman, banged up and beaten up, with a huge gash in her neck.  She just sat there, staring, and eventually disappeared while I blinked.  The next morning I asked the girl if she knew what the other guy’s girlfriend had looked like, then described the

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A Haunted House

16 November 2024 | June 2015, Your Stories

We moved into our house on Halloween day, 2002. It’s located in “downeast” Maine about a mile and a half from the sea shore. It was built in the 1880s and at one time it was a pretty famous for chicken canning. One of the sons of the former owners was KIA in WWII. We have love letters he wrote his 3-month bride before he was killed right before the end of the war, 1945. The older gentleman who lived in the house prior to the people we bought it from actually died in the house and it was a few days before anyone found him.   But it appears a young girl is haunting the place and we don’t know who she is or why. I have seen her,

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