The Possessed Foster Child
22 March 2024 | Demons, Haunted houses, Poltergeist, Your Stories, Your True Encounters
Greetings, My name is Richard and I have experienced years of paranormal activity that only ended after three exorcisms of my home. I’m not sure how much detail you’re looking for in the initial email, but in 2017, I was a foster parent. My first placement was a 13 year old girl who we’ll call ‘Tina’. Tina claimed that when she was 6 years old, she thought that her father was dead (he wasn’t) and she would contact what she referred to as ‘the spirit realm’ and ask if anyone was there, in the hopes of finding her father. Night after night, she asked if anyone was there and then one day a voice told her it was here. The voice told her its name was ‘Melable’ and that it
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Filming at Hrad Houska – The Gates to Hell
08 July 2023 | Creepy places, Demons, Ghost hunting, Haunted locations, Your Stories, Your True Encounters
I recently was involved with filming an episode of a forthcoming Discover channel show at Hrad Houska – The Gates to hell – here in the Czech Republic. At one point, we were in the castle and I was talking about the murder of a Swedish Mercenary in the room that we stood in. He was an occultist who was said to be engaged in black magic and satanic rites at the Castle who was murdered by his own men. As I told the story – and I was already feeling the darkening atmosphere – suddenly my voice took on a strange echo and the whole atmosphere changed. It was charged as if with electricity and all the sounds – my voice included – had this strange tinny sound. I
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Is This Satan Hiding in Plain View in A Czech Church?
13 September 2022 | Demons, Your True Encounters
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The Devil Was At My Window
07 September 2022 | Demons, Near death experience, Your True Encounters
When I was aged around 13/14 I was very cruel to some defenceless creatures with a then childhood friend of mine. This cruelty actually caught the attention of Lucifer-the devil himself. I was in bed awake when I heard three taps mocking the holy trinity at my upstairs bedroom window. And there was Lucifer the devil himself staring through the window at me with curious interest in me. As Lucifer was not human looking at all-with very large oval shaped eyes and with small sharp bony features and with no hair on his misshaped head-I too was also looking at him with great curiosity. I could only see him from his upper body and could not see if he had wings or not-and wondered if he had flew or levitated
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She Hadn’t A Human Face!
14 April 2021 | Demons, Demons, Your True Encounters
So, this story was shared with me by my father, but the person involved in this story is my Dad’s uncle who I saw last week. he’s 85 now and I actually asked him if the story that my dad had shared with me was true. He said without a doubt it was a true experience and that it’s still vivid to him after so many years. So this is how he told it….. Back when he lived in Mexico, he and his family lived in a suburban town. and one night this small block in the center of the town was having a party. My uncle was still in his teens and thought that he’d attend. Now his brothers didn’t want to go as there was work around the
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The White Demon
05 October 2020 | Demons, Your Stories, Your True Encounters
On a summer night at the end of July in 2008 we were camping while working to sell our wares at a flea market in Huntington, West Virginia. It was hot in the camper so I got up and walked outside where I found me nephew sitting and texting on his cell phone. It was about three in the morning. Deciding to take a walk in the night air we made our way about a hundred yards to the end of the long flea market building and sat down on a concrete slab. The light that was on top of the building illuminated the area where we sat. To our front there was a big open field and behind the field there was a tree line that led to a
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Evil InTow
17 February 2020 | Demons, Your Stories, Your True Encounters
Back in the mid 90s, I use to hangout at a corner bar being depressed and drinking alone. I met a really nice man (I thought) and we started playing pool and having a good time. I decided to ask him if he want a bump of coke. He was much too happy to accept. We drank till we shut the place down. At closing time, he need a ride to his home. I thought little about it as we drove to his house. He told me to pull over by an empty field. At first, I assumed we needed to turn around. I knew something was wrong as he started asking me if I believe in Christ. I told him I did. I dare not to look at him
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Coughing Fit
21 October 2019 | Demons, Your Stories, Your True Encounters
It was at around 3:30 to 3:45 am when I was half asleep (I had been on my computer for hours and had only got off of it at around 3 am) when I felt something pull at my legs. First, slowly, then more violently. I suddenly sat bolt upright and started choking aggressively. It was so bad that my mother had to come in to check if I was alright. I got my breath back after a few minutes, and when I was sure that I was okay, we went back to bed, and I slept downstairs. when we got up for breakfast the next morning, I was talking to mum at the breakfast table. she said that she had no memory of my coughing fit, but had a
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The Hooded Demon
02 July 2019 | Demons, Haunted houses, Old hag, Your Stories, Your True Encounters
It was 3am. I was laying in bed. My room was dark and the only light came from the mobile phone in my hands. Then, my phone’s battery died and I couldn’t see an inch in front of my face. I placed my phone on my pillow and laid down staring into the darkness. Slowly, my eyes adjusted to the darkness. It was at this point that I realised I wasn’t alone. There, standing beside my bed, was a dark figure wearing a hooded cloak. At this point in time I had a friend staying at my place so when I say this dark figure, I instantly laughed thinking I was the victim of a practical joke. Suddenly, the figure lunged at me hitting me in the chest. I was
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The Demons of 11e Hunter’s Crescent
26 June 2019 | Demons, Haunted houses, Your Stories, Your True Encounters
I was born in November 1986 in Perth, Scotland. I spent my first four years living with my Mum and Dad in a top floor flat of a block of six. The housing estate we lived in was called Fairfield and was just a little run down and rough around the edges, but it was home. From the time I was born my maternal grandmother, who had The Gift, always insisted that I also had it. All throughout my life I have had visions of things that have passed and things that are still to happen. This gift has gotten stronger since my grandmother passed away a couple of years ago. This story, however, centers on my first four years living in 11e Hunter’s Crescent. This flat was haunted, to
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Deal with A Demon
18 January 2019 | Demons, Your Stories, Your True Encounters
I’m Chris and this story is about me and my brother Cam. This happened in Late June of 2017. I’m a Marine Corps Veteran and the majority of my finances came from the VA. During the summer, the school I attended refused to process my enrollment to the VA and I couldn’t afford to pay out of pocket. At that time I couldn’t go to school, nor receive the money I needed for school. At that moment, I was facing eviction at my apartment complex. At this time I grew desperate and sought out multiple ways to get money. Someone I knew told me that if I made a deal with a demon, I may get exactly what I needed. I used to be religious and used to never trust
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The Shapeshifter in the Forest
04 December 2018 | Demons, Your Stories, Your True Encounters
This is actually a story my dad told me. It happened to him when he was a kid. My dad lived in a small town in Mexico. He was nine years old at the time and because my grandfather was up here in Arizona, he had to get a job to help put food on the table. The year was 1957. He was walking back home. The distance from the market he helped at and his house was approximately about 3 miles. He had to walk through an avocado grove and then cross a dirt road to get to his house. It was late Fall and it got dark pretty early so when he was heading home at around 8 pm it was already very dark. As he made his
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The Dark Mass
29 August 2018 | Demons, Your Stories
It was back in college. My roommate and I attended an art school and our apartment quickly became the home where my fellow classmates would come together to do homework, complete projects, talk and, if need be, crash for the night. We all became really close to a class that was graduating shortly before we would. One of the boys in this class was Wiccan. I grew up in a christian home and considered myself a firm believer, so having him in our apartment was really unsettling to me. I distanced myself when our friends and my roommate started becoming very interested in his beliefs and his stories of spirits, creatures, energy and so on. It always gave me a sickening feeling, and I would often separate myself from the
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The Sinister Caprine Creature
28 August 2018 | Demons, Your Stories, Your True Encounters
Hello. This is a story I have to tell that either falls under paranormal or supernatural, though I don’t see any difference between the two words. I am a person who doesn’t like to reveal my identity. And I’m sorry for that, so I’ll just go by the name Benji for this story and all future stories I might upload. Now, this story isn’t about some inanimate object moving on its own or some gateway to an alternate dimension. No, this story is about a creature who legitimately terrified me and stalked me for a few years of my life. To some, this story might be a bit cliche, but this entity actually scared me during the few encounters I’ve had with it. So I’ll tell you about the 4
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A Demon of A Stay
06 August 2018 | Demons, Your Stories, Your True Encounters
Back in 2008, I started a construction job in St. James parish LA. After living out of hotels for the first two months, a couple of friends of mine and I we decided to look for a trailer park and rent a mobile home. After a while we found a park with a few trailers and found one to rent. A few things I didn’t like about the place was that we were in a swampy area, big nasty trees, poorly lit, and terrible cell phone service, but hey I wasn’t complaining. The first few days were great, had my room set up with my things, rented furniture for the living room and kitchen. After about the fourth day, I was laying in my room just about to doze off
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