What is a Poltergeist?
13 December 2024 | What Is a Ghost? and other definitions
A poltergeist is defined as a ghost or other supernatural being supposedly responsible for physical disturbances such as making loud noises and throwing objects about. Originally posted 2015-08-29 11:51:22.
Read More »What is paranormal or supernatural activity?
12 December 2024 | What Is a Ghost? and other definitions
According to Wikipedia, paranormal activity can be defined as a subset of pseudoscience. What sets the paranormal apart from other pseudosciences is a reliance on explanations for alleged phenomena that are well outside the bounds of established science. Thus, paranormal phenomena include extrasensory perception (ESP), telekinesis, ghosts, poltergeists, life after death, reincarnation, faith healing, human auras, and so forth. The explanations for these allied phenomena are phrased in vague terms of “psychic forces”, “human energy fields”, and so on. This is in contrast to many pseudoscientific explanations for other nonparanormal phenomena, which, although very bad science, are still couched in acceptable scientific terms. Paranormal and supernatural are terms often used interchangeably to describe the same phenomena. Originally posted 2015-08-29 11:49:37.
Read More »What Is a Ghost?
11 December 2024 | What Is a Ghost? and other definitions
According to my dictionary anyway, a ghost is an apparition of a dead person which is believed to appear or become manifest to the living, typically as a nebulous image. However, ghosts may be experienced indirectly as noises, emanations, smells, shadows and so on. In fact, ghostly activity might better describe what most people think of as a ghosts and that can be defined more broadly as of or relating to a ghost : suggesting a ghost. In essence, ghostly activity can also be defined as an aspect of paranormal activity. Originally posted 2015-08-29 11:46:46.
Read More »Calling the Dead
26 September 2019 | Audible Activity, Phone Calls from the dead, What Is a Ghost? and other definitions, Your True Encounters
A woman was working as a telemarketer temporarily. She had been working at the company for only a couple of months when this incident occurred. When making calls, the telesales person had a dialogue on the monitor in front of them to read from while talking with people. The computer dialed the number, so the actual call was completely random with no choice in who was called. The phone rang and a man answered. She asked to speak to Mr. or Mrs. Jones (not the real name), please. The man told her, “It depends on what you are calling about.” She began her sales pitch and then asked if she was speaking to Mr. Smith. He answered with a laugh saying something like, “Yes. And just how much would I
Read More »The 9 Type of Hauntings
25 July 2019 | Ghost hunting, What Is a Ghost? and other definitions, Your Stories, Your True Encounters
According to Paul Dale Roberts, there are 9 types of haunting. Do you agree? 1. INTELLIGENT: An intelligent haunting is when the experiencer or the investigator is able to have interaction with the entity. When communicating with the entity, you receive intelligent answers back to your questions. You ask the entity to knock on the table and it does exactly that. This is an intelligent response and you can deem the entity as being “intelligent”. During one of my investigations, I asked the entity to kiss the investigator and with 3 cameras manned by 3 investigators we were able to capture an orb hovering on the lips of the investigator. When that same investigator sat down, we asked the entity to sit on his lap and with 3 cameras captured
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