Shadow people

The Shadow in the Kitchen

03 July 2017 | Shadow people, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

Here is another encounter with a shadow person in which it seems the shadow is surprised by a human…. Have I got a story for you! I was dog sitting for a friend in Queens one evening. I had the TV on, popcorn in hand, and the dog, a muscly (but very sweet) pitbull snoozing next to me. The front door was in view in this very small apartment on the third floor, and all doors and windows were locked. Suddenly, the pup perked up and deeply growled. She jumped up and ran around the corner into the kitchen. I follow her. Standing in the middle of the kitchen is a shadow person. I could barely see the counter behind it, and it looked vaguely whispy around the edges. Roughly

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The Shadow That Absorbed Light

20 June 2017 | Haunted locations, Shadow people, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

Hi, my name is Shawn, I’m a Christian, born and raised in south eastern Pennsylvania. There have been a few “interesting” events in my life that one could say touch on the unexplained or super natural. Somewhere back around 1996 – 1997 I had two separate events that shook me pretty good, then a third later in life around 2003. The first took place at work, I was a shipper for a small company; my work area was in the basement of an old building. The building was one of those old 3 story industrial brick buildings that you’d have to walk upstairs to get to the first floor. The basement was only 3 feet below ground level and that is where I spent 8 hours of my day, Monday

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Scaring the Shadow Man – Are We Their Ghosts?

19 June 2017 | Haunted houses, Shadow people, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

My family moved into a new house in Nagoya, Japan. The first week was all chaos, as we were still unpacking boxes, rearranging furniture, etc. On the first floor, there was a long hallway that led from the front door to the kitchen. One afternoon, as I was walking down the hallway, I felt a sudden urge to turn and look behind me. I was startled to see a tall man in the shape of a featureless black shadow moving down the hallway close behind me. As he moved along the hallway, he seemed to radiate a small aura of darkness around him, casting a shadow in all directions. blotting out the light on the floor, the walls and the ceiling in a murky circle around him as he moved

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The Hatman

07 June 2017 | Haunted locations, Shadow people, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

One night, when I was about 13 or 14, I was lying in bed in that half-asleep state before you really doze off. I was staring at my wall that faced the front of my house and it was very dark. Suddenly, I saw a figure walk through my wall towards me. I could tell my his shape that he was a man, but I saw no other distinguishable features other than it seemed as if he was wearing a long cloak and a flat rimmed hat. I was kind of frozen as I watched him move closer. He came right next to me, bent down and kissed the top of my head and it felt like ice had touched me. That snapped me out of my stupor and I

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The Dog and the Shadow

01 June 2017 | Shadow people, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

I was dogsitting for a friend in Queens one evening. I had the TV on, popcorn in hand, and the dog, a muscly (but very sweet) pit bull snoozing next to me. The front door was in view in this very small apartment on the third floor, and all doors and windows were locked. Suddenly, the pup perked up and deeply growled. She jumped up and ran around the corner into the kitchen. I follow her. Standing in the middle of the kitchen is a shadow person. I could barely see the counter behind it, and it looked vaguely whispy around the edges. Roughly six-feet-tall. Just standing there, looking at the dog. The dog stops, hackles raised, growling at the thing and barking. I gasp, the thing turns to look

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Crouching Ghost, Hidden Motive: A True Tale of the Paranormal

24 April 2017 | Haunted houses, Shadow people, Your True Encounters

When I was twelve years old, my family lived in an old house in Texas. It was a four-bedroom house. I shared my room with my baby sister and my brother and parents had their own rooms. The last room was used as an office. Every night when everyone went to sleep they would close their doors except for my room. I don’t know why… I just didn’t like my door closed. We had an extremely long dark hallway. One night, when I was the only one awake, I was watching TV as usual when I saw a tall male figure in the corner of my eye peek into my room and when I turned to look he would back up and hide. For some reason, I didn’t really feel

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Shadow People In A Time Loop?

16 February 2017 | Shadow people, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

When I was fifteen I had a series of strange things happen to me at home. Every night I would read before going to sleep. This one particular night was the same as usual, I’d turn on my radio, pop open a book, and gradually fall asleep. But something was different as I woke up for no reason around three or four in the morning only to see two ‘entities’ quietly standing on the right side of my bed. My radio was still on and my book was lying on my chest. I could see them quite clearly as they seemed to glow. I didn’t feel scared but I felt confused and I was thinking to myself, ‘is this actually happening?’ The beings were blacker than the actual dark but

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The Others: Dark Shadows Invaded My House

10 February 2017 | Shadow people, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

A friend of mine suggested I send this story into your site. I have read many of your stories—but I’ve seen nothing like this. I thought your readers might be interested in my story. I moved to Connecticut with my family around the time that I had started first grade. Soon after I began seeing dark figures in my room at night. You couldn’t really make out any features other than that they had tall, broad shoulders and wide chests which made me think they were adult men. None of them had faces. They would pay no attention to me and walk around the room without interfering in anything I was doing. These events didn’t happen every night, and the nights that they did happen I sometimes would have some

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Shadows and Ghosts On Yelp

19 January 2017 | Haunted houses, Shadow people, Your True Encounters

Not many encounters being submitted at the moment, so to keep things going, I was looking at Tripadvisor again, but then I found YELP! What a treasure trove of encounters that site is. Check these out… (I have edited these accounts). a full discussion of shadow people, the Old Crone, and other weird experiences…. Chas S. starts a post as follows…. I believe in ghosts. Always have. But never had a personal experience to back up my belief. Until last night…and now I’m beyond freaking out. I got up to go to bathroom at about 2am last night, sort of half asleep, but definitely NOT dreaming or sleepwalking. I did my business, came out of the bathroom, and there was something standing in the corner of the living room, sort

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Ghosts In Room 1170!!!!

18 January 2017 | Audible Activity, Haunted locations, Shadow people, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

Today, we return to reviews at for some more true scary experiences and encounters. It really is quite an unintended source of supernatural material! The Rosen Inn International, Orlando, looks like a normal large hotel. Located conveniently close to Universal Studios, it must do very well. However, apparently, one room has a permanent guest… Do not stay in room 1170. I booked a room at a great price. Our keys did not work the 1st time. Went to front desk to get the keys to work. They did not work. We had security help us to get in. Once we were in all this things started to happen. Knocks on the wall when no one was staying on either side of us. A dark shadow in the corner. Foot

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Beware Duplexes in Nevada—You Might Get More Than A Tennant

05 January 2017 | Haunted houses, Shadow people, Your Stories

This tale took place in Nevada about twenty years ago. My family moved into an apartment complex. It just seemed like a normal apartment. Nothing special. The first thing that started happening was the intense feeling of being watched. It didn’t matter if it was day or night you were being watched and not only from within the room, it also felt like something was in the room watching me. I tried to ignore it but a few nights later I was walking to the kitchen and saw a huge dark figure run from my mother’s room into my room. It didn’t really run as it didn’t touch the floor. It was also tall enough to touch the ceiling with the top of it’s head. This figure wasn’t really a

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The Reaper Came To Visit

19 December 2016 | Shadow people, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

This incident took place several years ago, at our old house in Florida. It was a very stormy night, and I was scared. I went to my parents’ bedroom and asked if I could get in with them at around midnight. My Dad moved over and I got in. I started to sleep a little better, but about three hours later, I awoke suddenly, as I tend to be a sporadic kind of sleeper. When I awoke, the scariest thing was in front of me. An outline of what I can only say looked like the reaper was about six or seven feet away from me. It stood there, glaring, for about a minute. It didn’t talk, it just stared at me, and I hid under my parents covers. I

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Ghost Hunting at Elgin State Hospital Cemetery

05 December 2016 | Ghost hunting, Haunted locations, Shadow people, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

This is the story of a ghost hunting trip to the old abandoned Elgin Mental hospital cemetery. I first heard about it online, where I read stories of the former grounds keeper hearing chilling sounds and heard it said that there may be three bodies in every grave. For over 100 years, the hospital operated as the Illinois State Institution for the insane. The unwanted were sent there to die and many horrific experiments were performed during the early years of treating mental diseases. Over 1000 people are said to be buried in the cemetery and it has a long held reputation as being haunted. We initially had a hard time finding the place and we were about to give up when suddenly, we found it. Immediately, we could feel

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Phil And the Dark Man

01 December 2016 | Audible Activity, Haunted houses, Shadow people, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

I have had trouble even putting this horrible event into words…until now. I’ve lived in the same house for a long time. From time-to-time, we hear someone walking upstairs even when I know that no one is awake or even home. My dog barks at nothing and I promise you that it isn’t something the dog heard outside. No. It’s whoever or whatever is in my house. Actually, there is more than one entity in my home. I have created a nickname for the one that I think is a younger spirit, maybe a teen. His name is Phil. Or, at least that’s what I call him. He will mess with my Mom as she hears bangs and walking. I always tell her to ignore it, and it will stop.

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The Shadowy Apparition That Took Me By Surprise

29 November 2016 | Haunted houses, Shadow people, Your Stories

This incident took place a few years ago, I had no interest at all in the paranormal until this occurrence. I was home alone, as my parents were out for the evening, and I was in the living room of our house on my laptop. My laptop is set up so that my back is to the wall. From there, I have a clear view of our kitchen. I was browsing different websites. One of my dogs, Caspar, was curled up on the chair next to me. I heard some loud noises coming from upstairs, but ignored it, assuming that it was our other dog playing around up there. At one point, I thought I heard someone step down a few stairs and pause, but I continued to ignore it.

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