Strange Noises and Black Shadowy Apparitions Plague Our House!
20 October 2016 | Audible Activity, Haunted houses, Shadow people, Your Stories
Since the beginning of last year, my wife and I have been hearing strange noises in our house. They normally start late at night. Some of the noises are just creaks and bangs, but recently we have been hearing children playing downstairs while we are upstairs. These children are very, very audible and are usually screaming, crying and calling for their parents. We have been suffering through it, but about five months ago our son said that he saw a woman come into his room, sit on his bed, and sing to him. He said that she had black hair, black eyes, and a pale face. My wife and I are unsure of what to do. A few weeks ago we were spending time together in the living room when
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Shadow Boy Haunts My Sleep!
13 July 2016 | Shadow people
This happened around 7 years ago. I’m 14 now and am still freaked out by this event. So, I was calmly sleeping in my bed when I woke up – nothing out of the ordinary. I realized the covers were moved over as my feet were hanging out of bed. As I looked around the room, I saw a boy stood right at the foot of my bed just looking at me. I ran out of the room screaming waking my Mum, Dad and even a neighbor heard me. We all went back into the room to look around but nothing was there. Ever since that night nothing further has happened, however the occasional object has moved. About three weeks ago, I woke at around 2:30am. I sleep on my
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