Haunted locations

I Encountered a Spirit in a Mortuary Basement

26 September 2021 | Haunted locations, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

Right after high school, my family and I moved around a bit. My father was a mortician and had gotten laid off. Ironic, huh? You’d think working with dead people would mean job security, but that hadn’t proven to be the case, seeing as my dad, being a passive guy, tended to get laid off more often than I’d have liked. Anyways, he finally landed a job working at a funeral home in Sedona, Arizona. The best part was that the job came with housing. When I say housing, what I mean is a one bedroom apartment above the mortuary. Stairs were built on the outside of the building to allow roof access to the small apartment. We put a day bed in the living room, which acted as the

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Paranormal Investigation Encounter At An Old Theme Park

13 August 2021 | Haunted locations, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

I have been investigating and researching the paranormal for over 13 years. During this time, I have been to numerous locations where the activity was either low, high, or off the charts. On November 16th of 2016, I was asked by the owner of the defunct theme park, “Dogpatch USA” to investigate the parks former Administration Bldg as he had experienced voices, freezing cold wind in the summer time and had the ‘odd’ feeling he was not alone while inspecting the building’s grounds. It was close to Midnight when I drove my daughters SUV (my other team mates were scattered about the park in other buildings.) to the front of the dilapidated  bldg. and carrying my recorder, camera, and small pen light, I walked down a small entranceway and entered

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The Smiling Man

07 July 2021 | Haunted locations, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

About five years ago I lived downtown in a major city in the US. I’ve always been a night person, so I would often find myself bored after my roommate, who was decidedly not a night person, went to sleep. To pass the time, I used to go for long walks and spend the time thinking. I spent four years like that, walking alone at night, and never once had a reason to feel afraid. I always used to joke with my roommate that even the drug dealers in the city were polite. But all of that changed in just a few minutes of one evening. It was a Wednesday, somewhere between one and two in the morning, and I was walking near a police patrolled park quite a ways

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The Thing on the Road

30 June 2021 | Haunted locations, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

This was in South-Eastern Kentucky back most likely in the 1930s. People in the hills of Kentucky didn’t have modern conveniences like the rest of the nation had as there weren’t many roads for cars so everybody mainly walked or rode horses to get where they were going. This is how he told it:- When he was younger he would tie one on and ride home on his horse. The horse knew the way. One dark night the horse was plodding along and he could see something sitting on the stump of a tree that had been cut down. As he got closer the horse started slowing down. It was a small black thing sitting on the stump. He tried to get the horse to go faster but it wouldn’t.

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A Ghostly Funeral

14 May 2021 | Haunted houses, Haunted locations, Your Stories

When I was a kid we used to visit family in another part of town. I knew all the kids around so would often go on my own for the afternoon. On my way back from visiting a friend I took a shortcut. It led through a wooded area where there was an old cemetery. I looked at the old stones, most of them unreadable, as I walked past. I continued on the path and came to the stream with a wide bridge. My sneakers made a stomping sound on the old boards. As I was about halfway I saw a funeral party approaching. The sun was close to setting and was in my eyes but the group was all dressed in black and several men at the front were

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This is a Very Haunted Hotel, For Certain

11 May 2021 | Haunted locations, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

Tripadvisor is a goldmine of ghost stories in the form of reviews…. like this one about The Brick Hotel in Newtown, PA by Richard H. in 2015. The hotel is described as “a 15 Charming room Inn that was originally built in 1763. It has maintained its ambiance that sets one back in time to the Victorian era.  Located in the heart of historic Newtown in beautiful Bucks County.” on its website. I had 5 encounters with ghosts there, and I didn’t believe in them until now. In 201, a woman was spotted. In 202, I was awakened by my doorknob jiggling and turning and the door making a sound as if being pushed against. Then I heard some sobbing. it happened a second time at 4 am, without the

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The Blues Ghost Music Channeler

07 May 2021 | Haunted locations, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

My name is Brant Buckley and I have been practicing Kriya Yoga and energy healing for over 10 years. I have been aware of the paranormal for some time now. I am a musician too and I did a lot of spiritual channeling and tried bringing Blues ghosts onto the recording of my new song. “Times Strange” is an ode to the Delta Blues Masters in particular Skip James. I have gone to all of the old Blues Graves in the Chicago area: Muddy Waters, Big Bill Broonzy, Jimmy Reed, Howlin’ Wolf, and Willie Dixon. Their ghosts and shadows are my teachers. I wanted to create something very haunting and ghostly in a Bluesy kind of way. The only 2 Blues guys that I am aware of who have done

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A Case of the Creepy Mimickers?

30 April 2021 | Haunted locations, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

In a browse of some creepy stories on Reddit, I came across this by user u/tarantidow and it rang many bells for me… so many stories posted by you all that resonate with what this person calls a mimicker! What do you all think??? (Lightly edited by me)… Hello everyone. I know that many people may not believe in the paranormal and/or supernatural and I respect that. For those who don’t believe in the paranormal or supernatural, just enjoy my posts as a sort of “story time” as I am not here to try and convince anyone that the experiences I have had have been and continue to be real. I am posting to share my experiences and in this case to see if anyone else has experienced the same

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The Haunted Catacombs below Jihlava

16 April 2021 | Haunted locations, Your Stories

The catacombs beneath Jihlava in the Czech Republic are mysterious. They are located beneath the entire city and multiple levels and no one knows exactly why they exist! People have reported that in one part of these tunnels – the corridor of Svitivka – they have seen people with long necks and strange heads, and have heard noises or whispers. The corridor glows with a strange greenish light when unlit. This glow apparently comes from a coating on the sides of the tunnel that was put there by the Nazis – tho no one really knows why. In fact, with an interest in the occult, the Nazis seemed very interested in the tunnel and it is said that Hitler himself believed it the entrance to another dimension.

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What Happened to the Ouija Board?

16 March 2021 | Haunted locations, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

One of the students took out the board and said “Who wants to play?” Mostly, the group was keen but one of them shook their heads. He wasn’t interested. As the group began to use the board tough, they persuaded him to give it a try. He sat. “Prove this is real!” he said as the lights went out and the fire alarm started. They all jumped followed by giggles at the coincidence. They all left the room and its owner locked it after them. Out they went to the assembly point. 45 minutes later, the alarm was declared false and everyone was let back into the hall of residence. The room owner unlocked the door and they all walked in. The problem was that the Ouija board was gone.

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Apparition on the Road

09 March 2021 | Haunted locations, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

I was driving down a road late one night in the NE of England. It was pitch black and that kind of road that has high hedges on either side. The road was very bendy as well and the full-beam headlights constantly picked out trees and other items that seemed to jump out at me. I must admit, I was getting pretty nervous driving alone there. As I went around one bend, the headlights shone back of what seemed to be a patch of mist. I thought at first, this was the beginnings of a patchy mist developing and slowed down even more to compensate. As I drove on though, I met no more misty patches until about 1 mile further up the road where passing through a small wooded

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Boletice Cemetery, Czechia

04 March 2021 | Haunted locations, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

Boletice cemetery is the site of an interesting tale regarding two cantankerous old souls who argued even after death. Dead and buried in the cemetery, the pair were heard to continue cursing and arguing so loudly that nearby homes had trouble sleeping. Eventually, the Priest sought advice on how to handle the phenomenon from Rome and was told to place the crosses on both graves back to back to each other. After this was done, peace finally reigned in the cemetery. G Michael Vasey

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A Final Goodbye?

02 March 2021 | Haunted locations, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

This incident took place in Austin, Texas on August 19, 1995, between 11:30 pm and Midnight. A friend of mine named Kevin had been going through some bad times of late. He had been suffering from partial paralysis from an injury he had sustained years ago in a diving accident. His business was failing, his bank account was dwindling and since he had lost his lease with the apartment he lived in, he had to live with a friend until he could get back on his feet. As sometimes happens in all of us, Kevin lost hope and felt that there was no way out and so, committed suicide on August 17th. I was told about this the next day by a mutual friend of ours. A bunch of us got

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My Psychic Friend

15 February 2021 | Haunted locations, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

When I and my Best friend Beth were teenagers, we had a very tight group of friends. We spent every free moment with them getting into harmless mischief and gaming and going to renaissance festivals. They became our surrogate family. No one was a misfit or ever left out. Well while hanging with this group I met Lenny. He was blonde-haired and blue-eyed and his hair was long and he would braid it and he wore glasses and to my teenage eyes, he was sheer perfection. Beth had grown up with him and he was her brother from another mother so thankfully she didn’t look at him the way I did. I was smitten. Well, it didn’t take too long for him to start talking to me and I was

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The Point Lookout Lighthouse and the HatMan

11 February 2021 | Haunted locations, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

It was 2006, October. In that spooky and also festive month, the 13th also happened to land on a Friday. Taking advantage of this renowned date, I had convinced a buddy of mine, Tim, along with my girlfriend, Ashley, and her little sister, Alisha, to venture down to the State Park and meander around the lighthouse, the civil war Union fort, and POW camp. Besides 12yr old Alisha, the rest of us had graduated high school together in 2004. On the way to the lighthouse, I told stories of phantom civil war soldiers seen crossing the road and a Lady in Black that would approach visitors asking for help in locating a burial stone before vanishing, firmly setting the mood for a creepy visit. We entered the parking area a

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