I Couldn’t Stay

07 April 2016 | April 2016

Yesterday, I checked into a Hotel in the Netherlands and was given a room. The room initially looked good. It was very large and furnished in a period style. I took off my coat and began to unpack. However, I hear a sound that was a cross between a tapping and a dripping sound. It seemed to emanate from an big old closet standing in the corner of the room. I went to the closet and listened but it was the sort of noise that you cannot seem to trace. I opened the closet and it stopped. Thinking perhaps it was from next door or the heating, I resumed unpacking. However, when I closed the closet, the noise started again. By now, I was puzzled and I investigated that closet and the are it was in closely. I pushed it, rocked it. Looked inside it for a cause – an explanation.

closetEach time, I went close to the closet. The sound stopped. I began to feel the hairs on my neck stand up and I decided I couldn’t stay there.I called reception and told them about the noise and that there was no way I could put up with it. They said they would send someone up. After 5 minutes of constant clicking or knocking sounds and an increasingly strange atmosphere, I was determined to fight my case that I couldnt stay there.

The hotel lady knocked on the door. I told her about the noise and she walked straight over to that closet and barely 5 seconds later she said “Yes, I couldn’t sleep with that either Sir.”

“You heard it then?” I asked surprised.

“Oh yes,” she said.

She left promising to find me another room.

After waiting another 5 minutes in that room, I could no longer stand it and I packed and went back down to reception. Within 5 minutes, they informed me the hHtal was full and they had transferred me to another Hotel.

I asked if the room was haunted and was told they did sometimes have an issue with the room……

I was pleased to leave.

Submitted by Gary

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    4 thoughts on “I Couldn’t Stay

    1. How upsetting that was! I wish you could give the readers a specific name and address of that hotel…and room number! Who knows, some day, some of your readers can check it out;)! If I had a chance, I would probably do that and even more than listening and looking at the Room and its closet! I have not been able to travel abroad for a very long time already!

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