Shouting at a Ghost

12 April 2016 | April 2016

One night in my late teens, after an evening out with a girlfriend, we went to my house for a coffee. My family was away so there was just the two of us there. I had experienced a lot of strange activity in that house but this particular evening was one of the strangest.

After making the coffee, we went into the front room and switched on the TV. We had just settled down when we both heard the front door open and close. We looked at each other puzzled and then I got up and checked in the hallway. There was no one there. A quick check of the door showed it was still locked with the key inside the lock. I returned to the living room and sat down again. No sooner had I done so than we hear creaking from the same hallway I had just checked as if someone was walking slowly but steadily along it. Well, by now, my girlfriend was very afraid and I will confess that I was worried about what would happen next.

The front door opening, footsteps and breathing sounds were all a part of the goings on at the house that I had grown to hate and fear.

As we sat in silence with just the TV for company, the footsteps reached the door to the living room. We both stared at that door in horror as it began to slowly but surely open. At that point, my girlfriend screamed.

I jumped up full of anger and ran to the door hurling a stream of verbal abuse at the unseen visitor. It always worked – anger. I think, these entities feed on our fear and the easiest way to stop that is to get angry.

The activity stopped. Needless to say, I had to walk my girlfriend home more or less immediately after and I wasn’t too keen to spend the night alone there…..

Submitted by Gary.

© 2025, G. Michael Vasey & My Haunted Life (Unless indicated otherwise by author’s own copyright above). All rights reserved.

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    One thought on “Shouting at a Ghost

    1. I am glad to hear that you got good result from the screaming and cursing! To my father, his screaming, swearing did not work. If I wish to share my stories with you, do leave them here in this box or somewhere else?

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