Pulling One’s Legs

15 April 2016 | April 2016

I used to live with another family sharing the house of my grandparents where I have experienced numerous unworldly encounters. The other family slept in a large room in the house, adjacent to our bedroom.

One morning the mother of that family told us that one of her three sons sleeping in the largest bed in the room had been grabbed by the legs, and pulled down half-way off the bed the night before! Unfortunately, he did not see the doer. By the time he was startled by the pulling, and woke up, he already found his legs on the floor! Such prank was done more than once to more than one of her sons.

Having no sorcerer to exorcize that spirit, her sons had to continue biting the bullet. As time went by, these incidents eventually became oblivious, and my family never heard about them anymore.

Submitted by CR

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