The Light of the Virgin

16 April 2016 | April 2016

Many years ago, I had a boyfriend in Vienna and would sometime stay with him in his apartment. It was an old building and the apartment next door had been occupied by a very old lady who had just passed away. This one evening, I was staying there alone.

I went to bed and switched out the lights. It was very dark as it was a gloomy apartment anyway with very thick curtains. I soon got to sleep but was awakened in the middle of the night by a bright light. To my utter amazement, the light seemed to emanate from a picture of the virgin Mary on the wall between the bedroom and the old lady’s apartment next door. I stared and watched this for some time before becoming uncomfortable by it and left to sleep next door. Unfortunately, I could not sleep at all and once or twice, I peeked back into the bedroom which was lit up by the light coming from the picture. As I watched, it seemed to me as if the figure was actually leaving the painting. I was very frightened by this experience.

When I told my boyfriend of this, he told me that quite often, he heard voices from the empty apartment next door……

Submitted by Katka.

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