30 April 2016 | April 2016
I was sleeping peacefully when I was awakened by what felt like two hands gripping my ankles and pressing them down onto the bed making me unable to move my feet. Thinking I was about to be raped by intruders, I screamed and was yelling and I tried kicking my feet but could barely move. In a panic, I started swinging my fists through the air and struck nothing. As my eyes adjusted to the morning light in the room, I paused, catching my breath. Still and silent. I glanced quickly around the room. There was no one there. I could still feel the tight grip on my ankles and I tried to move my feet but couldn’t. I took a deep breath and screamed my son’s name as I threw my pillow at the nothing that had a grip on me. My son burst into my room, ” What?! Mom, what’s the matter?”
“Something had a hold of my ankles and held me down,” I said.
“I’ve been up for an hour. There’s nobody here, Mom. You were dreaming,” he said
“Didn’t you hear me yelling and screaming?” I said.
Our apartment is small. You could hear a whisper from one end to the other, but he replied, ” I heard you call my name just now. There’s nobody here, Mom. It’s alright, you were dreaming.”
There was no convincing him.
I know logic is working against me, but I wasn’t dreaming. I was wide awake fighting and yelling. I felt the hands, I couldn’t move. I was awake and there was no one there. My ankles hurt. The next day I had bruises.
It was explained away that maybe I bruised myself from kicking my feet. But that’s not what happened at all.
Submitted by anon. to Weird Darkness and My Haunted Life Too.
© 2025, G. Michael Vasey & My Haunted Life Too.com (Unless indicated otherwise by author’s own copyright above). All rights reserved.
Did that ever happen again?