The Hanging Man Of Amarillo

21 October 2016 | Haunted locations, Your Stories

In the mid-1950’s I was traveling with my husband to Amarillo, Texas. It was a nice day, and we were enjoying ourselves. We drove south and to my surprise we passed a man hanging from a tree. He was dressed in a pair of jeans, no shirt, no shoes. It completely caught me by surprise. I asked my husband if he saw it, and he hadn’t. He just thought it was my imagination. I thought that perhaps I’d imagined it too.

We arrived in Amarillo, spent six weeks with my family, and then we returned home. We were close to the area where I’d seen the hanging man. We stopped for some dinner, and a rest. My husband and I started talking to one of the waitresses there who told us about a local legend. The legend was that a man could be seen hanging from a tree on the other side of town. That was same place I saw the hanging man.

We finished our dinner, left and I hadn’t thought about it for some time until I started reading the stories on your site. I thought it would be an interesting account to share.

submitted by Mary-Lou K.

Image – Hanged Man by A. Venefica

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