“I will Kill You” – Mountain Ash Hospital Ghost Threatens A Ghost Hunter

28 November 2016 | Audible Activity, Evidence?, Haunted locations

Mountain Ash is a quiet Welsh mining town located near Caerphilly. The General hospital, a community hospital built partially using deductions from the Miner’s salaries, was closed in around 2012 with several others in the area, to make way for a new and larger hospital. Established in 1910, the hospital served several generations of locals in the area through birth to death. These days, the site has been heavily vandalized, stripped of metal, and its slate roof to now sit abandoned and forlorn in the valley. It’s only visitors these days are urban explorers and ghost hunters.

The town has had its share of paranormal activity being the site of reported live fish falling from the sky in 1841! Like many abandoned hospitals, it’s own derelict hospital has gained a reputation for being haunted. Residents, locals, and even ex-workers at the hospital have seen the ghost of little girl wandering around the hospital, even while it was in use. A former security guard has reported strange noises from some of buildings including screams. However, a recent ghost hunt there produced a very scary video.

hospitalProfessional ghost hunter, Lee Smart, performed a hunt there recently capturing a strange image on video of what appears to be a person’s head looking out of an upper story window. Whatever it was that was captured, quickly pulled itself back into the window when it was noticed. The team went to investigate the room and recorded an eerie and scary threat on EVP with a voice saying “You watch your back, ha ha ha, cos I will kill you.” Smart claims his name was called by the phantom presence in the room.

The security guard at the site had to move his office from inside the main building to a caravan in the grounds after he became too frightened to stay there. He reported hearing all sorts of noises including the screams of a little girl and other noises at the site. On several occasions the police were called to sweep the building because of the noises he heard but they never found anything to explain the noises.

Smart and his team also reported growling noises and the feeling of being watched as they investigated the building. However, the creepiest aspect to the whole night was being threatened by a presence who he says, seemed to want them to leave.

You can watch the video and hear the recorded EVP here

PS – Ghosts can hijack your phone and other technologies to communicate with you…Ghosts In The Machines.

Photo – Dave Lynch


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