Black Eyed Man on The Powerlines

07 May 2021 | Black Eyed Kids, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

This took place one summer several years ago. We were in the back yard. My mother was sitting in a chair to my left and dad was sitting to the right, I was in the middle with my favorite blanket. It was a mild day, extremely pleasant– until I looked at the power line running across the backyard.

Now on this power line was a tall man walking in black. The one thing that makes me remember this is the eyes. They were completely black. That feeling when he looked at me though just terrified me. I blinked and he was gone. Nobody else saw him. It was one of the most terrifying things that has ever happened to me. He was standing still on the powerline, he didn’t move, he didn’t smile. He was just standing there looking at me.

I tried to tell my parents about him—but they thought I was imagining things. In fact, my dad accused me of trying to spoil the day. Mom would listen but she didn’t believe me. I spent that whole day wondering who it was, and why he was on the powerlines looking down at me.

Now I have not seen this thing again since that time, but I have experienced quite a bit of weird things. Every time I think about this I can see the eyes perfectly like the first time in my mind staring at me.

Neil Shannon, Texas


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