The Scottish Poltergeist

09 August 2017 | Ghosts in the news, Poltergeist, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

Another poltergeist occurrence that was widely discussed in the press was really very bizarre. It took place in the Rutherglen, Scotland, home of Mrs. Shreenan who lived there with her son and, from a media perspective anyway, began with an amazing tale of a flying Chihuahua dog.

The police were called to disturbances at the home where they found clothes flying across a room and the family’s pet dog sitting on top of a large hedge. The police were to say the least troubled by what they found and called in a Priest. Police attending the incident were described as having 20-year’s experience, but not knowing quite what to do under the circumstances. Lights were going off and on, the lampshades on the lights were upside down and the oven door was opening and closing all by itself.

Mrs. Shreenan was described as quite upset by the activity having watched her pet dog levitate. She also did not appreciate the coverage of the story and later told one journalist, local kids had been walking by the house signing the theme song to Ghostbusters.

Taken from the Kindle book – Poltergeist – The Noisy Ghosts by G. Michael Vasey/

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