The Saints Who Could Be in Two Places at Once

13 September 2017 | Your True Encounters

Bilocation is the term often used to describe someone being in two places at the same time. Funnily enough, it is not as rare as you might think. In fact, bilocation is often something attributed to Saints and other Holy people who can earn their sainthood by being ghosts of the living.

Parawiki describes bilocation as ‘Bilocation, or sometimes multilocation, is a term used to describe the ability/instances in which an individual or object is said to be, or appears to be, located in two distinct places at the same instant in time.

Bilocation is a physical, rather than spiritual, phenomenon, and a person experiencing it is supposedly able to interact with their surroundings as normal, including being able to experience sensations and to manipulate physical objects exactly as if they had arrived through natural means. This makes it distinct from Astral Projection. In most instances, bilocation is said to be involuntary and not to have been directed by the individual concerned in terms of time or space.’

Here are a few Saints of the church who have been credited with this miraculous ability. Trust me, the list is very long and I have picked just a few illustrative examples.

St. Alphonsus Mary de Liguori – was seen in two places at once; in the pulpit preaching a sermon and at the same time taking confession. On the morning of September 21st, 1774, a companion of St. Alphonsus Mary de Liguori watched him sit in an armchair where he appeared to be lost in thought. In fact, he stayed like that for several hours – almost 24 hours. He was asked what had been wrong and he told his companion that he had been assisting Pope Clement XIV, who had just died. It took a little time for the news of the Pope’s death in Rome to arrive but he had in fact died at the very time St. Alphonsus Mary de Liguori had been seated in a trance.

St. Paul of the Cross – after seeing St Paul of the Cross aboard a ship and staying on the quay until the ship was very distant, Dr. Gherardini was surprised to see St. Paul of the Cross emerging from a room at a friend’s house. He approached him and asked how it were possible that he was in the house since he had just returned from putting him on a ship and St. Paul is reputed to have replied “Be still. I came here for an act of charity”, before promptly disappearing.

St. Martin de Porres – spent his entire religious life at a Monastery in Lima, Peru but was seen at different times in many other locations including Mexico, China, Japan, Africa, The Philippines, and France. One Peruvian man, for example, on meeting St. Martin, listened in astonishment to his descriptions of China, as well as various people in China also known to him as he had just returned from China. Another witness testified under oath that he had observed the Saint ministering to captives on the Barbery coast.

St. Francis of Paola – was said to have bilocated on several locations and it is recorded that once, while serving at the altar in the chapel, he was also seen by some of his monks working simultaneously at his chores in the kitchen. In his biography, another example is provided as follows. . . people who wanted to see him approached the chapel and found him so deep in prayer that they decided not to disturb him. When they returned to the street, they were surprised to see him talking to some people. They hurried back into the chapel and saw him still lost in prayer.

Padre Pio – Perhaps the best documented example is that of Padre Pio and numerous instances of bilocation have been cited including the testimony of Father Alberto, who met Padre Pio in 1917, “I saw Padre Pio standing in front of the window, looking at the mountain. He was speaking to himself. I approached him in order to kiss his hand, but he did not notice my presence and I noticed that his hand was rigid. At that time, I heard that he was clearly giving absolution and pardon to someone. After a while, Padre Pio shook like awakening from a nap. He looked at me and said; ‘you are here. I did not realize it!’ After some days, a telegram from Turin was delivered. Someone was thanking the superior of the convent for having sent Padre Pio to Turin to assist a dying person. I realized that the man was dying in the same moment Padre Pio was blessing him in San Giovanni Rotondo. Obviously, the superior of the convent had not sent Padre Pio to Turin, but he had bilocated there.”

Here is another remarkable recounting of Padre Pio’s abilities. In 1946, an American family went from Philadelphia to Saint Giovanni Rotondo in order to thank Padre Pio. In fact, their son, a bombardier plane pilot (during World War II), had been saved by Padre Pio in the sky over the Pacific Ocean. The son explained; “the airplane was flying near the airport on the island where it was going to land after it had loaded its bombs. However, the airplane was struck by a Japanese attack plane. The aircraft exploded before the rest of the crew had the chance to parachute. Only I succeeded in going out of the airplane. I don’t know how I did it. I tried to open the parachute, but I didn’t succeed. I would have smashed to the ground if I had not received a friar’s help who had appeared in midair. He had a white beard. He took me in his arms and put me sweetly at the entrance of the base. You can imagine the astonishment inspired by my story. Nobody could believe it, but given my presence there, they had no choice. I recognized the friar who saved my life some days later while on home leave, I saw the monk in one of my mother’s pictures. She told me she had asked Padre Pio to look after me.”

From – Ghosts of the Living by G. Michael Vasey


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