Weird Darkness – Houska Castle

25 October 2017 | My Haunted Life Toosdays


“Houska Castle And Its Gate To Hell” & 4 more TRUE and TERRIFYING stories! #WeirdDarkness
In this episode: A castle in the Czech countryside is not only rumored to be haunted… but also to contain a crack leading to the gates of Hell. *** A shadow person appears in a Texas funeral parlor. *** Two occult magicians feud over who can destroy the vampire terrorizing their community. *** The purchase of a beautiful table leads to a haunting of one couple’s bedroom. *** Shadows horrify a woman when her husband is away and her child is asleep. Tell your story so I can use it in a future episode at! Please post a review of the show on iTunes! Posting an iTunes review helps people find the show more easily, helps grow the show, and encourages people to send their stories for future episodes!
This episode is brought to you by the audiobook…”Winter Wonderland: A Dallas Powell Mystery” by T. Lee Harris, narrated by Darren Marlar. Hear a free sample or purchase the title at:
Houska Castle And The Gates To Hell:…
The Haunted Funeral Parlor in Texas:…
The Highgate Vampire And The Dueling Magicians:…
The Haunting Apparition Who Moved Into Our Bedroom:…
The Shadows That Terrified My Mom:…

© 2025, G. Michael Vasey & My Haunted Life (Unless indicated otherwise by author’s own copyright above). All rights reserved.

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