Jilted – For A Ghost?

11 December 2017 | Bizarre, Ghosts in the news, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

Amethyst Realm, a 27-year-old “spiritual guidance counselor,” claims to have had sex with at least 20 ghosts, and now prefers them to real life men. She recently appeared on British show, ITV This Morning, to talk about getting it on with ghosts. She tells the story of how she had an affair with a shadow man and was caught be her husband in flagrante with said ghost……

It all started 12 years ago when she and her then-fiancé moved into a new house and a strange energy turned physical, touching her, which eventually led to sex.

“It started as an energy, then became physical,” she said. “There was pressure on my thighs and breath on my neck. I just always felt safe. I had sex with the ghost. You can feel it. It’s difficult to explain. There was a weight and a weightlessness, a physical breath and stroking, and the energy as well.”

The rest of this strange story is here.

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