Terrifying Hauntings At RAF Binbrook, England

01 March 2018 | Haunted, Your Stories

The former officer’s mess at RAF Binbrook has been giving ghost-hunters a fright for decades – and now a reporter has been to see what all the fuss is about.

Plenty will dismiss talk of ghosts as nonsense – but there are many out there who either believe, or want to.

And after spending a night there with a team of ghost-hunters, it’s easy to see why people are so interested in this location.

Known for all manner of paranormal activity, the base in East Lindsey is perhaps most famous for the tale of Clubfoot.

Two variations of the same story basic exist.

Some say it was the nickname given to an Australian worker on the base, which closed in the 90s, who blew himself up when trying to sabotage a Lancaster bomber during the Second World War.

However, others say a wartime Australian non-commissioned officer armourer, also known as Clubfoot, had been injured by the carelessness of a pilot and had sought revenge by attaching an explosive device to the pilot’s Lancaster bomb-load, but had blown himself up in the process.

For years, a presence was seen after Clubfoot’s death, paranormal investigators say.

The man, whose real name is believed to be Sergeant Sinclair, is said by ghost-hunters to be seen walking around on the perimeter road.

Chillingly, they say his ghost has been seen on the runway, arms waving wildly in the air.

He is frequently seen limping along the perimeter track, or attempting to flag down vehicles – or so they say.

It’s Saturday evening, a time many would reserve for seeking out the finer things in life but, instead, I’m looking for things that are dead.

There is a bar here but it’s past closing time, and there are people – 40 at least – yet there is nothing but the disconcerting yet somehow comforting silence only found far from the ceaseless roar of civilisation.

Inside this remote, unassuming and perfectly innocuous village hall, the darkness is all-consuming except for a piercing blueish light shining on a table. Taped on its surface are the 26 letters of the alphabet, as well as the words “yes” and “no”.

Read the full story by clicking here.

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