Is This her Dead Son Visiting? Caught on Security System?

16 January 2019 | Evidence?, Ghosts in the news, Haunted houses, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

I’m always on the lookout for evidence and I have to say that so far, this particular story has my interest. A Mother and Daughter at home last week, watching TV in the bedroom. She checked her phone she saw a notification that there said,

“Your entryway camera saw someone.”

Attached to the message was an image from the camera that seemed to show a transparent, bearded male figure in what look like pajamas. While that is enough to freak anyone out, what they realized next truly left them shook up – the person in the picture looked exactly like the son and brother of the Mum and daughter, who died two in 2016 at the age of 23.  Here are the Mum’s twitter post and the picture from that camera…..

Last night, I was home alone with my youngest daughter watching a show in my bedroom… We started an hour long episode at 11:15pm and at 12:18pm my daughter looked at my phone and saw a notification from our Nest security system saying “Person Spotted in Entryway” from 11:51pm. When we pulled up the image this is what we saw… For everyone who knows what my son looks like , they know that this looks just like him beard and all! When I went to the kitchen the nest camera was in flip out mode…I thought it was broken, simply a strange night at the hodge house, to say the least.

We have no clue what to think about all of this but so happy to be able to know my beautiful boy is always with us! Please share as this offers hope for so many….
Robbie’s Mom



Pretty compelling don’t you think?

This story originally appeared here.

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