Green Demon?

24 July 2015 | July 2015

On the night before my sixth birthday I woke up in the middle of the night because I had to go to the bathroom. On my upstairs floor, there was a hallway outside my room with my brother’s bedroom to one side and my parent’s room down at the bottom of the hall. Right next to their door was the staircase with a window half-way down to the ground floor. I always had the bad habit of looking over at the window—and that night was no different.

I saw a black creature standing in front of the window in a black robe with a hood over his face. The face looked green—but that could have been my imagination. The one thing I really remember is that it was grinning at me. Not a pleasant grin—a really evil grin and I thought at the time that it was trying to lure me.

I darted down into my parents’ bedroom and woke them up—my dad went to see what he could see and saw nothing. I never saw it again—could it have been a demon? I hope I never see it again.



You can find more Black-Eyed Kids stories here....

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