The Enniscorthy Poltergeist

22 April 2019 | Haunted houses, Poltergeist, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

While researching Poltergeist for my little book called Poltergeist, I came across a lot of very creepy stories and encounters but I missed this one which honestly, is the best Poltergeist story I have ever read! Apparently, in 1910 in a little Irish town called Enniscorthy. Three lodgers sharing a room experienced hellish activity. It started with the bedclothes being pulled off of one of the men, strange tapping noises, footsteps and the bed moving across the room by itself. Over the course of a week, the activity increased with the bed bing lifted at one point. The Guardian newspaper heard of the activity and sent reporters to cover the incident. What the hardened reporters experienced is probably the best bit of the entire tale – noises, bedclothes being removed, the bed moving and so on – all in front of their eyes. They could find nothing to suggest it was anything other than paranormal activity and fled the room at 3am.

Here is a good write up of the incident in full….


Have you experienced poltergeist activity? If so – please tell your story below….

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