A Visit From the Dead

19 September 2019 | Audible Activity, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

I was in my freshman year of high school when I had my first official encounter with a ghost. My dad called me into the kitchen to talk to me, and when he was done he flipped a spoonful of whip cream in my face. He had been using the cream for a pie and thought it would be funny to throw some at one of us kids. I went to the bathroom to clean up. I was bent over the sink when I felt a cool hand on my shoulder. Thinking it was my mom, I glanced in the mirror only to see the face of my recently decreased great grandmother. She smiled at me and said “I love you, baby girl” then she vanished. I have always believed in the supernatural and paranormal but this visit helped to confirm their existence for me.


Submitted to Weird Darkness and My Haunted Life Too by Krysta Lee

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