17 December 2019 | Audible Activity, Haunted items, Your Stories, Your True Encounters
So I am a part time seller on eBay. And since I started doing it I’ve had a few odd occurrences in my house.
Every weekend I spend the days rummaging through estate sales, garage sales, thrift stores etc. I resell just about anything I can make money on. One thing I frequently buy from estate sales is antiques. One particular day at an estate sale, I came across some children’s books from the 1920’s. They all had the name “Mary” written in pencil on the inside cover. I looked up their worth and they looked like good items to resell. I brought them home and into my office.
I have two children, a 3 year old girl and a 2 year old boy. My wife leaves for work around 4am and I am responsible for getting the kids ready and off to daycare in the morning. The morning after I had purchased the books, I was sitting on the couch watching TV around 5 in the morning after my wife left. From the couch you have a clear view of the main hallway and my daughters’ room and our room are across from each other. As I was sitting there, I saw who I thought was my daughter walk from her bedroom to our bedroom out of the corner of my eye. As I looked over, I just caught the end of her entering our room. I get up to go get her and as I enter our room I realize there’s no one there. I go to her room and she’s there fast asleep in her bed. I believe whatever I saw was attached to the old children’s books I brought home, perhaps their previous owner, Mary.
Another experience came a couple months later. My wife and kids had gone to bed and I was up late in my office working on the computer. I started getting a very eerie feeling as if I was being watched. I remembered a ghost hunting show I had recently saw where they recorded EVP’s. I decided to use the voice recorder app on my iphone and see if I would be able to record anything. I began by saying
“If there’s anyone here please make yourself known”
but there was nothing. Then I started to say
“If there’s anything here with ill intent you’re not welcome”.
Right before I finished that sentence a deep male voice clearly says
“I’m here”.
My friends and family that I showed the recording to suggested that I shouldn’t try to provoke whatever was happening. And I haven’t since.
Submitted by Alex Campbell
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