I’m Alright…..

21 April 2020 | Haunted items, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

The two years of 2018 and 2019 were terrible for my family. Those were the years that found us hearing the terrible news my little sister had stage 4 colon cancer and that my dad had stage 4 pancreatic cancer. During this time fear and tension along with great sadness pervaded our lives.

My sister chose the route of chemotherapy and other medicines. My father, however, chose not to pursue chemotherapy or other medicinal remedies. Slowly I watched both my sister and my father fade away. On August 17, 2019 at the age of 83 my father, who had always been a very active and healthy elderly gentleman, died weighing 75 pounds. One month and two days later on September 19 my little sister, aged 48, passed away. Needless to say as a Christian I know where they are. But I wanted to know for sure that they were OK. Shortly before Dad died I asked him if he would please let me know somehow that he was OK. He asked in his weak whispery voice how? And I said through a dream or a sign. Anything really just to let me know you are OK. He said he would try his best.

Now my dad was an avid clock collector and owned a rather large and valuable collection of Fashion Calendar clocks. He told my husband he wanted him to have the collection. The day after my father had died my mom asked my husband to please remove the clocks from the house. They had always been something she did not want to dust. So they went home with us.

My husband wiped them down as they had become very dusty during the time of my father’s illness. My husband, Gary, only dusted them and never messed with the internal workings of the clocks. He felt he needed to read up on them before he handled the gears and such. One week after my dad passed away I got my sign.

A couple of days after my father’s funeral I returned home from my mother’s house. I walked into my husband’s office to tell him what all we had been talking about.. Suddenly, my dad’s favorite clock, the Fashion number 5 starts chiming. The hands were set at 5 o’clock. The pendulum was still. The clock chimed seven times. I turned to my husband and said, “Oh my gosh you got the clock running!” His face was white as a sheet and he had broken out in a sweat. He said, “I haven’t touch that clock except to dust it. “ About that time my husband shivered and asked, “Did you feel that cold breeze?” I of course concluded that the air conditioner had kicked on, but it hadn’t.
I ask Gary if he thought that was my dad letting me know he was ok? He answered, “What else could it be?” We had not heard the gears begin the movements that are a precursor to chiming the hour nor was the pendulum moving.

I may be wrong, but I believe my dad was letting me know all was well.


Submitted by Teresa Strange to Weird Darkness and My Haunted Life Too

© 2025, G. Michael Vasey & My Haunted Life Too.com (Unless indicated otherwise by author’s own copyright above). All rights reserved.

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