25 December 2022 | Haunted items, Your Stories, Your True Encounters
One of my first ghost experience was when I was about 9-11 years old. A relative of ours has passed away, after she passed, her family had given me a dresser of hers, (she kept her stuff in immaculate condition). Well, when I was sleeping, I saw her standing at the foot of my bed. The next morning, I told my mom, she didn’t say too much about it then. But then the next night, she was there again, I told my mom about her again the next day, she told me the only way to find out if something is real or not is to touch it. So, this is now the third night I see her standing at the foot of my bed, so I sit up so slowly, she still there, I put 1 foot out of bed I look, & she is still there, I put the other foot on the bed I’m now sitting on the edge of the bed turning and looking, and I can still see her, she’s just standing there staring at me, I can see everything she had gray hair put up, with a few strands hanging down, one of her nostrils were smashed in she had a long white nightgown on I could see everything just like any other person standing there, so now I stand up and I’m facing her and she still there, I start walking toward her really slow because I’m scared to death, she still there, I put my hand out to touch her, I was probably only about 1 inch away from her I can see everything, I can see veins in her hands I can see wrinkles I can see everything, I freaked out and ran through the closet( The only thing separating my room for my parents room was the clothes hanging in the closet because it was not finished yet) Jumped on my parents bed screaming and yelling telling them she is real she is real!
The next morning I saw my dad outside burning the dresser, this is really strange for him because he was a pretty thrifty man and he would not destroy anything that was so good, but after he burned the dresser, I never saw her again.
Submitted by Patachilles
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