23 February 2023 | Haunted houses, Your Stories
I lived temporarily with my then boyfriend (now husband) in an apartment shared by a coworker of his and her boyfriend. I was in the apartment alone one day, and I got a weird feeling looking at the door to the not used room. I thought I heard noises, and felt a presence, but couldn’t confirm. Later that week, I was home alone again, but this time I looked up at the bathroom door from my bedroom and saw a full bodied apparition of a young woman in white. She looked just as shocked as I did seeing her! She retreated to the other side of the bathroom wall – the empty, unused room. So, finally I ask my boyfriend’s coworker if someone died in the apartment, and that I saw an apparition of a young woman. She told me yes, her name is Diana and she died in that room about a month before we moved in. My heart sank for Diana. The coworker told me that Diana had passed away suddenly in her room, I think from a health complication. The coworker was a bit freaked out and didn’t know what to do about it. So, later ( I don’t remember if it was later that night or the next day) I was in my room while my boyfriend and his coworker were at work. I decided to just talk to Diana out loud. I couldn’t see her this time, but felt her presence. I talked to her like a person, realizing she might not have even realized she died since it was a sudden death. I told her that she had died, and that she needed to move on. That I felt sad for her that she was stuck, and I hope she can find the light. Shortly after that, I didn’t feel her presence anymore. I think she moved on, and I really hope she found peace.
Submitted by CeltyF
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