My Haunted Life Too


I See Little People!

07 February 2025 | January 2016

Back during my childhood, I loved staying at my grandparents’ house in Tennessee. I remember their comfy beds, the rocking chair on the porch and I remember what I would call “the little persons.” I first saw them when I was five, or six. The porch backed onto the living room, and from the chair I could see into the kitchen. Hundreds of little people carpeted the floor. They weren’t fairy-like, but were just little tiny people. None of them were taller than my fingers. They weren’t paranormal in anyway. I knew they weren’t good, but they weren’t scary. They would surround the rocking chair and sing at me. Even when I got out of the chair and moved about they still stood around singing. I saw them for years—and

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They Know You Know!

06 February 2025 | January 2016

A group of friends staying at an old cottage in North Wales on vacation decided to go for a walk on the spur of the moment one morning and eventually found a nice old pub where they thought that they might have lunch. When they went into the pub, they found a group of their friends sitting there waiting for them. Of course, they were very puzzled as to how that could be since the stop at the pub had been a spur of the moment decision and certainly not pre-planned. “Ah, well we called the cottage and the nice old lady who answered told us you would be here,” explained the waiting group of friends. Fine, except there was no old lady at the cottage; not a cleaner, not

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Whispered Words

05 February 2025 | January 2016

How would you react if, in the dead of night, you were awakened by cold breath on your face and someone speaking in your ear? Terrifying! We were all excited. Geology fieldtrips were always fun, and the teacher was a great guy and turned a blind eye in the evening, allowing us to smoke and drink if we so chose. Many of us were eighteen anyway, and the few who were not, were just months away. It was a dark Friday night, gloomy and dark even as we left the school gates in the minibus. We chatted and laughed in the back, telling stories and jokes to pass the three or so hours it would take to reach the hotel. At the hotel, most of us were allocated shared rooms,

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My Haunted Life Toosdays

04 February 2025 | January 2016

Here is the latest edition from Marlar House featuring two stories from this site….. Submit your strange or creepy experience to this site and perhaps your story will appear in a future episode????? The next 10 submissions that appear on the site will win a FREE audio book. Originally posted 2016-01-20 07:10:33.

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Auntie Calling!

02 February 2025 | January 2016

When I was a young boy, my Aunt was still hanging onto her life. She had lived a tough life and suffered from several different types of cancer. I had met her once and had been quite alarmed. My parents had taken me to the nursing home that she lived at and she had been covered with tumors, and looked as though she was wasting away. My mother was desperate for her to see me though, so we had a nice visit. A few days later I was playing in my bedroom and a plastic phone, that was one of my favorite toys, starting ringing as though it were rea. I picked it up, placed it to my ear and discovered that it was my Aunt Sheba. “Hello,” she said.

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Auntie Says Goodbye?

01 February 2025 | January 2016

One day when my mother was quite young, perhaps in her early teens, she fell asleep during the afternoon, watching TV in the living room. When she awoke, she noticed her Aunt rising from the rocking chair in the living room to walk down the hallway to the kitchen. My Mum just assumed that her Aunt had come over while she was asleep and so she jumped out of bed yelling her name running down the hallway to catch up with her. As my Mum approached the kitchen however, he aunt wasn’t there – just the radio playing and her mother standing washing dishes. She asked, “Mom! Where did Auntie go? I just saw her come down here!” Her Mother replied, “Honey, you must have been having a dream! Auntie

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Shadow People

31 January 2025 | January 2016

It was the early 90’s and my husband went to work out of town for about a month, or so. I had put my two daughters to bed and I was getting ready to go to sleep myself. From the room that I was sleeping in, you could see straight into our living room. In one of the corners, I used to see this shadow person that would always try to get my attention. I had seen it that night waving its shadow arms from side to side, as if it was trying to get my attention. I was so used to seeing it that I just ignored it. It really didn’t seem to mean me, or my family any harm. My daughters were already sound asleep and I was

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Thai Terror

30 January 2025 | January 2016

I was meant to be working in the South China Sea, just off the coast of Thailand, for three days but found myself holed up in a dingy hotel room for six weeks, waiting for a series of Typhoons to pass through the area. Whilst the breaks between storms allowed some time for exploring the local area, there are only so many Temples, markets and beaches to keep one amused in a backwater fishing village. In any event, it wasn’t considered safe to be out when the Typhoons hit so much of the time was spent sitting out each storm in the hotel. It was during one of these long nights, power out, rain lashing the windows, themselves likely to fly loose under the sheer weight of the wind, that

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Ouija Demon

29 January 2025 | January 2016

My story happened when I was 17 and I spent the night at a girlfriends home without telling my mom. My friend and her little sister asked if I wanted to play with the Ouija board, which I did knowing, being Catholic, that it was forbidden. Anyway, the next night, I went home and told my mom that I would not play with a Ouija board ever again and that’s when the TV suddenly changed to show a snowy picture. My mom and I were really spooked by that. Later that night, I went to bed late because I had a sore throat and I couldn’t really sleep. I had made tea and it was getting late, so I tried to to sleep. I was laying there when I felt

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The First Edition of My Haunted Life Toosdays Is Up

28 January 2025 | January 2016

Here is the product of our collaboration with Weird Darkness…. Enjoy! Originally posted 2016-01-05 12:23:51.

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Phone Call From The Dead

27 January 2025 | January 2016

It was about 3pm in the afternoon in the year 1976. I was waiting for some friends to pick me up when I decided that I would call my friend, Myla, to ask why they were late. As I picked up the phone to call, I found that there was no dial tone so I decided to say hello, since during the 70’s, we had what you would shared ‘party lines’. These were often illegally connected to other peoples’ phone lines. But what I instead got was a friendly greeting from a friend named George. He was interested in Myla, but Myla already had a boyfriend. He started by asking me to tell Myla he loved her very much and was also sorry for making trouble for her and her

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Lady in the Mirror

26 January 2025 | December 2015

This happened in 1988 when I was remodeling my house. I had 3 carpenters staying in at the house so that they could save on travel expenses and also, so they could start work on time. The other workers opted to go home since they lived closer to the house. After about a week of work, my lead carpenter suddenly changed his mind and said they would rather go home each night than stay at the house. I asked them why and here is his story… They were sleeping on the floor of the master bedroom since it was the only one with carpeting. At around 2:30 a.m., he stood up to use the restroom, which was adjacent to my walk in closet. You have to go through a door

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The Monster In The Cupboard

25 January 2025 | December 2015

Small children everywhere are often scared by whatever monster they imagine is in that cupboard in their bedroom. Little Joseph was no exception. He had told his parents on a number of occasions that he didn’t want to sleep in his room because the Thing in his cupboard might come out and get him. When his parents asked what the Thing might be, he described it as a ‘dark teddy bear’. The house was relatively new and neither parent had any reason to believe this was anything other than a child’s imagination at work.   Usually, children outgrow such fears and his parents expected Joe to eventually forget about the monster in the cupboard as well. However, he didn’t. If anything, he became even more terrified of the cupboard as

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Black Menacing Figure Haunts Family

24 January 2025 | December 2015

In the 90’s in London, England, my daughter rented a house from a landlord. It was a two bedroom as she has three children. Everything seemed fine at first, but her two youngest boys kept telling her that there was something nasty in the house. She didn’t believe them, and thought they were making it up. The house happened to be near a cemetery. One evening, after she had taken the children to bed, she told me that she came out of the bedroom and a great big black figure was standing just outside the door. It had no visible face. She said that it must have been an entity. She was terrified, and it just gradually disappeared. Another time, she took a photo on her camera phone when she

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Ghost Writer

23 January 2025 | December 2015

Here is something submitted to the site that is a bit different. A ghost encounter that resulted in a song…… The song was inspired by an experience I had in Gloucester Place, London a few years ago. In the night, I was taken very ill and I was ‘visited’ by a beautiful, sophisticated young Victorian woman who had been an author during her life. Naturally I was terrified, firstly by the appearance of a ghost and secondly by the fact she had come to help me over to the other side. She regarded me as a kindred spirit and persuaded me that death and the next life are nothing to be afraid of. If I wanted to let go then all I had to do was to take her hand,

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