My Haunted Life Too


The Burned Apparition

16 February 2025 | February 2016

When I was a young boy, my step father’s friend was house sitting his brother’s huge white-washed Colonial farmhouse. He invited us over to look at the house. Immediately that we went inside that house, I knew that there was something that I didn’t like about it, and it wasn’t just the owner’s two huge Great Danes who stood almost as tall as me and followed me wherever I went. Something evil lived in that house. A little later during a tour of the house, my suspicions were confirmed. “Do you want to hear about the man who built this place?” we were asked. My stepdad said “Sure,” and the friend went on. “They say the man who built this house was driven crazy by what he had seen during

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New My Haunted Life Toosdays Episode Now Out!

15 February 2025 | February 2016

Originally posted 2016-02-10 08:40:52.

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House of Nightmares

14 February 2025 | February 2016

This started when my parents bought a house in a small town. My father was working in the city and my mother worked in a different city so I was the only one who got to actually live in our house. Sometimes my grandparents would accompany me and one or twice a week, my father  visited me. I was 10 years old then and they taught me how to live like an adult. One night, my father said that I should sleep in my room because I always slept in their bedroom. So I grabbed my pillows and went to lay in my own room.  This was the the first night that I had a nightmare. I cannot distinguish if it was really a nightmare because I can often feel that I

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Haunted Bathroom?

13 February 2025 | February 2016

About twenty years ago I worked for a large company. The company had just completed a new department and I worked in that department. One day about a year after we had moved into this new wing, I went into the restroom and as I turned the corner, I noticed the stall door closed on the middle stall. The floor under the door looked dark like someone’s shadow was blocking any light. The stall doors naturally hung open, so I just assumed someone was inside the stall. I went into the first stall instead of the second, in order to maintain some privacy by keeping a stall between us. While in my stall, I listened and didn’t hear the other person make any noise. No flushing, hand washing, and no

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Alien Tracking

12 February 2025 | February 2016

This happened to me when I was 18 years old, a year ago in Nashville, TN. One night at around 7.00 p.m. I sat on our couch playing a game while my younger sister opened the door and gazed at the clear night sky. We always had such beautiful evenings in the summer. Then she asked me, “Is that a star moving?” I went over to the door trying to look at the moving star. When I looked at it I said to her, “That’s no star!” It’s a UFO!” That’s the first time I saw a real UFO with my own eyes. Then it happened again on her birthday. I was on our front lawn at that time when suddenly I felt something strange was above me. I looked

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New Edition – My Haunted Life Toosdays

11 February 2025 | January 2016

See if your story is included? Or, submit your story for a chance to be included in future episodes….. Originally posted 2016-02-03 08:17:12.

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Morgue Shadow

10 February 2025 | January 2016

Part of my job is to place bodies of deceased patients in the morgue. One night a few years ago, I was on assignment outside at 4:45am in the morning. When I just happened to see a large, black, triangle-shaped shadow come out of the sky and into the corner of the fourth floor wing of the hospital where our ICU unit for the critically ill is located. There were no planes overhead or any reasons for a shadow to appear at this time of night. This shadow appeared to have gone directly into the fourth floor wing. About half an hour later, I was sent to the morgue to place a deceased patient there. Since the incident that occurred outside was so odd in nature, I checked the time

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A Visiting Skull

09 February 2025 | January 2016

We live in an old house that was built in the 1800’s. There is a long mirror above the bathtub that always gets some light from the hall. You can see from the mirror into the ante-room, and then into the hallway. I was sitting there one night and noticed that the mirror wasn’t reflecting into the hallway. It was grey, dark and looked as though it had been bricked up. It looked totally solid. I thought I was just falling asleep and seeing things—but something was coming through the cement. I kept watching. It was a skull. It slowly moved out of the mirror, looked into the hallway to make sure it was alone. I’m on the other side of the room, in the dark. It must have heard

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Pictures of Elementals

08 February 2025 | January 2016

I take pictures of elementals in nature. Hello. My name is Stacy. In 2015 this last summer I discovered that I can apparently take pictures and images of different types of beings that appear on my photos. I understand it sounds completely stupid. But hey, it is what it is. The truth is that I have over a thousand photos at my home that includes everything from ghosts to Aliens, Demons, Stuff in the sky, also and mainly Fairies. It all started last summer when I decided to try to see into other dimensions. Opening your third eye. And The power of thought. And decided that day the first day I was able to make contact with these things. Is said to myself that day. I am no longer religious.

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I See Little People!

07 February 2025 | January 2016

Back during my childhood, I loved staying at my grandparents’ house in Tennessee. I remember their comfy beds, the rocking chair on the porch and I remember what I would call “the little persons.” I first saw them when I was five, or six. The porch backed onto the living room, and from the chair I could see into the kitchen. Hundreds of little people carpeted the floor. They weren’t fairy-like, but were just little tiny people. None of them were taller than my fingers. They weren’t paranormal in anyway. I knew they weren’t good, but they weren’t scary. They would surround the rocking chair and sing at me. Even when I got out of the chair and moved about they still stood around singing. I saw them for years—and

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They Know You Know!

06 February 2025 | January 2016

A group of friends staying at an old cottage in North Wales on vacation decided to go for a walk on the spur of the moment one morning and eventually found a nice old pub where they thought that they might have lunch. When they went into the pub, they found a group of their friends sitting there waiting for them. Of course, they were very puzzled as to how that could be since the stop at the pub had been a spur of the moment decision and certainly not pre-planned. “Ah, well we called the cottage and the nice old lady who answered told us you would be here,” explained the waiting group of friends. Fine, except there was no old lady at the cottage; not a cleaner, not

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Whispered Words

05 February 2025 | January 2016

How would you react if, in the dead of night, you were awakened by cold breath on your face and someone speaking in your ear? Terrifying! We were all excited. Geology fieldtrips were always fun, and the teacher was a great guy and turned a blind eye in the evening, allowing us to smoke and drink if we so chose. Many of us were eighteen anyway, and the few who were not, were just months away. It was a dark Friday night, gloomy and dark even as we left the school gates in the minibus. We chatted and laughed in the back, telling stories and jokes to pass the three or so hours it would take to reach the hotel. At the hotel, most of us were allocated shared rooms,

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My Haunted Life Toosdays

04 February 2025 | January 2016

Here is the latest edition from Marlar House featuring two stories from this site….. Submit your strange or creepy experience to this site and perhaps your story will appear in a future episode????? The next 10 submissions that appear on the site will win a FREE audio book. Originally posted 2016-01-20 07:10:33.

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Auntie Calling!

02 February 2025 | January 2016

When I was a young boy, my Aunt was still hanging onto her life. She had lived a tough life and suffered from several different types of cancer. I had met her once and had been quite alarmed. My parents had taken me to the nursing home that she lived at and she had been covered with tumors, and looked as though she was wasting away. My mother was desperate for her to see me though, so we had a nice visit. A few days later I was playing in my bedroom and a plastic phone, that was one of my favorite toys, starting ringing as though it were rea. I picked it up, placed it to my ear and discovered that it was my Aunt Sheba. “Hello,” she said.

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Auntie Says Goodbye?

01 February 2025 | January 2016

One day when my mother was quite young, perhaps in her early teens, she fell asleep during the afternoon, watching TV in the living room. When she awoke, she noticed her Aunt rising from the rocking chair in the living room to walk down the hallway to the kitchen. My Mum just assumed that her Aunt had come over while she was asleep and so she jumped out of bed yelling her name running down the hallway to catch up with her. As my Mum approached the kitchen however, he aunt wasn’t there – just the radio playing and her mother standing washing dishes. She asked, “Mom! Where did Auntie go? I just saw her come down here!” Her Mother replied, “Honey, you must have been having a dream! Auntie

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