Your Stories

Crying Lady

20 January 2025 | December 2015, Your Stories

This happened when I was about 16 years old. My dad had just scolded me for coming home late. I went outside and sat by our pool to cry my heart out. When I looked at the swing there was an old lady sitting there looking at me. Immediately I knew she was an apparition because she was almost transparent. I couldn’t move, I thought I was yelling for help but nothing seemed to come out. I closed my eyes and when I opened them she was gone.I saw her again as I was on my way out with some friends. She was motioning for me not to go. I thought I was imagining this and went out just the same. We got into a head on collision accident. I

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The Boneyard

18 January 2025 | November 2015, Your Stories

On the edge of town there is a very old graveyard. It had a name at one point—but the marker has been worn down to such a degree that the name is now unreadable. Most of us just call it the “bone yard.” The graves are some of the oldest in America. Some of the tombs are falling apart, many of the graves are unattended. Sometimes you see a bouquet, wreath or some sort of remembrance—but not often. One day I was walking home and happened to be walking past the graveyard. A man wearing a blue suit and tie and old bell-bottoms was wandering through the graveyard. Blue eyes, shaggy hair, sideburns. He looked like a caricature of the 70’s. I watched him—more surprised at someone visiting the graveyard,

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Strange Happenings in New England

17 January 2025 | November 2015, Your Stories

This happened in New England in 1989. My daughter was almost four years old, and we had gone shopping for the day. I really didn’t like to shop in the side of town that we were in. It was rundown and pretty dangerous there. As a child I had spent a lot of time in that area though—we had lived near that shopping strip and my parents and I would shop there each week. Most of the shops were empty by 1989 though. My daughter and I were walking down the side of the road—a roadside she had never been down before. To my utter surprise she asked, “Can we go to the toy store after you’ve been shopping for food?” I knew for a fact that the toyshop had closed

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The Dark Man in the Corner

13 January 2025 | Haunted houses, Shadow people, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

When I was young, I always wondered what it was like to experience the paranormal or anything of some sorts. By the time I reached adolescence, I had started to experience some paranormal activity.. due to my grandfather dying a couple of months before I turned 13. “Come down stairs lily” – said my mom I went down and asked her whats wrong…little did I known it would be a start of a new chapter in my life… As I arrived into the living room, my mom was breathing uncontrollably. “I saw him, He’s here!” I looked at my mom wondering why she was saying “him” and who was she referring to. I sat down and asked her ” what do you mean by him?” “Your grandfather he’s here, he

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My Protective Grandmother

07 January 2025 | October 2015, Your Stories

As a child my mother was concerned about me as I would talk to people in my sleep. I later began sleepwalking all the time. Although she was concerned about the talking in my sleep, and my sleepwalking she always played along and acted as though she wanted to meet my invisible friend. During the middle of the night I woke up to see, what looked like an old woman, sitting at the end of my bed. It was a dark, shadow figure but I could tell from the permed hair that it was female. I literally hid under my duvet and I never told anyone else about it. After that my sleepwalking and talking ended and I forgot about the whole thing. A few years later, after my mother

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The Ghost That Declined A Lift

23 November 2024 | July 2015, Your Stories

My father used to tell me a story about an experience he had in the late late 1950s, while on a sales trip through the hills of rural Pennsylvania, my grandfather was travelling on a dirt road when he saw a rough looking man walking by the side of the road far off into the distance. He always said that his dirty faded blue clothes looked torn and he was stumbling, like he had either had too much to drink or had been in a fight. The closer he got to this man, the worse he began to feel for him and thought he would at least offer him a lift to the next town. As he got closer, he saw that this man was all cut up and burned and wearing a blue

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A Possessed Painting?

22 November 2024 | July 2015, Your Stories

I have started reading all of the stories on this blog. I have always had an interest in the paranormal and thought I would share my own creepy experience with you. At home we have a main floor family room which looks up to a deck that looks down into the family room. We were getting ready for supper. My son was upstairs in his bedroom reading with his aunt. My wife, mother, daughter and myself were in the kitchen below. The kitchen is open concept to the family room so you can see pretty well everything in the family room.  I was standing on the edge of both rooms. All of a sudden, I heard a noise coming from the deck. I went to investigate and saw that a

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The Ghost Who Locked Me Out of My House

21 November 2024 | July 2015, Your Stories

  About 17 years ago, I was living in Montana in a house that was pretty far outside of the city limits.  Right from the start the house did strange things. The lights would cut out, as would the T.V and then the T.V started changing channels on it’s own. Items would move from place to place on their own. One night I went outside to feed my dog. I noticed my dog was staring at the back door of the house and making noise. I thought that was strange so I looked around and saw a woman dressed in very old clothing, likely from the Wild West era, standing by the door. When she saw me looking at her she closed the door and disappeared into thin air. I was

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Double Trouble

20 November 2024 | July 2015, Your Stories

After my dad had died, a few strange things began to happen in our house. The strangest incident happened one day when my daughter had gone out for the day. My husband and I had been talking in the front room when our daughter came home and shouted “hello” to us. We thought nothing of it, called back “hello” and continued our conversation. About an hour later the phone rang. My husband answered it and shouted upstairs for our daughter Jane. When Jane failed to answer he went upstairs thinking she must have been busy, asleep or pre-occupied. She wasn’t at home. My husband told her friend that she wasn’t home and we shrugged the whole thing off as nothing. About fifteen minutes later Jane came home and we asked her

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A Voice From Beyond The Grave

19 November 2024 | June 2015, Your Stories

  When I was about six, or seven, years old, our home phone rang. It was about 9pm at night. My mum was busy in the other room, so she asked me to answer it. When I did, at first I heard lots of static. I repeated over and over again, “Hello? Hello?” But nobody answered, just all this static. Thinking that must have been a wrong number, I started to hang up. But then a voice caught me. “Hello?” said the voice. To my surprise, it sounded like my grandfather. So I said, “Grandpa? Grandpa? I can’t hear you.” And he said something like, “Hi, baby. How are you? Can I speak with your mommy?” So, thinking it was my mothers father, who is still with us, I gave my mom the phone and left the room.

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The Old Man in the Graveyard

18 November 2024 | June 2015, Your Stories

I was at the crematorium just after my boyfriend Robert died. I was putting flowers on his plot. As you can imagine, I was very upset, I just missed him so much. I also think that sometimes our emotions can play tricks on us, so I am not sure if I had imagined it or if this really happen.  I was there kneeling by the plot crying and talking to him, telling him how much I missed him. All of a sudden I looked round and there behind me was an old man. I still do not know where he appeared from as it was early morning and the crematorium was completely empty when I arrived. The “Old Man” smiled at me and said to me, “Do not worry and be upset. He is okay

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My Girlfriend’s Ghastly Friend

17 November 2024 | June 2015, Your Stories

The absolute weirdest experience ever was when I was dating a girl while in grad school, who admitted that she was kind of seeing someone else at the time, but he lived on the other side of the state.  She told me that he and his previous girlfriend had been in a car accident the year before, yadda yadda yadda. One night, I looked out my window and there was something sitting on the balcony of my apartment, looking in at us.  It was a woman, banged up and beaten up, with a huge gash in her neck.  She just sat there, staring, and eventually disappeared while I blinked.  The next morning I asked the girl if she knew what the other guy’s girlfriend had looked like, then described the

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A Haunted House

16 November 2024 | June 2015, Your Stories

We moved into our house on Halloween day, 2002. It’s located in “downeast” Maine about a mile and a half from the sea shore. It was built in the 1880s and at one time it was a pretty famous for chicken canning. One of the sons of the former owners was KIA in WWII. We have love letters he wrote his 3-month bride before he was killed right before the end of the war, 1945. The older gentleman who lived in the house prior to the people we bought it from actually died in the house and it was a few days before anyone found him.   But it appears a young girl is haunting the place and we don’t know who she is or why. I have seen her,

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The Last Supper

30 October 2024 | Haunted houses, Haunted locations, Poltergeist, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

Everything was left in my old school house from the 1800s. The owner had died. How creepy. We immediately got to cleaning. I found a last supper plaster thar I hung above my stove. How beautiful. Three years later it would be the worst decision of my life. I’m sleeping. My kids are sleeping. I hear a crash and awaken violently, I look at the clock it’s 3 am. I call the police thinking my windows were smashed and someone was robbing me. When they arrive we go downstairs to find my last supper plaster had smashed on the floor. I told the cop what it was, he Said ” that is crazy”. They search the house no suspects. They go on their way. A couple days later my cats

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Ghosts Can Hurt You!

28 October 2024 | Audible Activity, Haunted houses, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

In December 2009, I was living with a boyfriend and my dad would occasionally come stay with me. Before moving in, we were living across the street with friends in their apartment. They had warned us of apartment 22, our friend Shane, said he could sometimes see and talk to spirits. He said the ghost in the apartment we were moving into was not a nice one. He said this ghost had taken their life in the apartment, and had other spirits under their control there. Once we moved in, immediately strange things started to happen. My cat would always stare at the corners of the room, up in the ceiling. I figured he was watching a black shadow figure I had seen sitting on the couch one night after

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