Lost Time
03 April 2020 | Time warp, Your Stories, Your True Encounters
Two friends and I (11F at the time) were playing outside at a park near Friend 1’s house. It was a beautiful, sunny day and we had been playing at the park for around an hour. I had just asked Friend 1 what time it was, and her watch said it was 1:26 pm. I had to go to church with my family at 4:00 pm, and I did not want to make my mom late because I was out playing and lost track of time. Next to the park was a big hill, and the top of the hill plateaued into a wooded area where we would run, collect flowers, etc. Friend 2 started to run up the hill, calling for a race to the top. Friend 1 and
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Gaining Time
11 February 2020 | Alien Abduction, Time warp, UFOs, Your True Encounters
My story starts in December, 1997. It was already dark so I decided to put my bike away because leaving it in the front yard, was an invitation to allow some one to steal it! According to the clock hanging in the dining room, it was 9:25 and the street was quiet. While I was outside grabbing my bike I saw something out of the corner of my eye. I looked up and saw it. It was a big silent UFO and it was low – I mean a block away right above the trees. It had real crazy blue and red lights that were bluer than blue and redder then red, and the white was so damn bright. There was also a smaller green light. I couldn’t see around
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Lilly the 13th sign
12 September 2019 | Alien Abduction, Haunted houses, Time warp, UFOs, Your Stories, Your True Encounters
I have always had a deep inner knowing. As a child I could always guess people’s names and know things. I have messages in my dreams and they have come true. I was always drawn to witches and the supernatural. As I grew up, I decided to go to a psychic to find out what all of this meant. I always felt different and from a different time or place. When I went to the psychic she told me I was a witch in a past life and I was hung and that is why I don’t like wearing anything around my neck. I froze for a moment because this is true. I never did like anything to right on my neck and never turtle necks etc. She went on
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A Lifetime of Strange Events
03 June 2019 | Alien Abduction, Shadow people, Time warp, UFOs, Your Stories, Your True Encounters
I’m Carlos, and I live in Portugal and I’m 43 years old. I wanted to share with you my life experiences with something that so far I cannot explain. I would like your opinion on this lifetime of occurrences. I will be as brief as possible otherwise you will have 100 pages of episodes with experiences. The reason I am sharing this with you is not to get a solution to my problem because there isn’t one, and it’s become a part of my life and routine. My wife knows about it and accepts it, my son wont probably know about it so he isn’t ridiculed – but I want to share this knowledge with you and maybe you can provide me with an opinion on the matter. I’ve been
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The Civil War Continues in the South: A Confederate Ghost Sighting
12 October 2016 | Time warp, Your Stories
Another interesting encounter with a Civil War soldier…… It was the fall of 1978; I was driving in the northern part of Virginia and I was in a very remote area where the hills rolled gently and there were no homes, barns, fences, riding trails or another motorist. I was really enjoying the scenery when I drove around a curve and there on the left side of the road, about half a mile ahead, was a horse with a rider. As I drove closer to the horse and rider, I noticed what the man was wearing; a full Confederate uniform with sleeve markings indicating a high rank officer. His uniform consisted of the grey in color pants, jacket, and full belt dressing with sword, a side arm, black hat, riding
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Time Warp Terror?
05 September 2016 | Time warp, Your Stories
One night my friend and I were walking in Des Moines. We were walking. We were half-way to his house when suddenly I was standing outside of a huge skyscraper building in, what I now believe to be Detroit. I then entered the building and there was a lady with kind of platinum blonde hair. Her clothes didn’t look odd or anything. She told me that I was on time for my appointment, so I followed her to an elevator. We stepped inside and she pushed the button for the 53rd floor. When we got out of the elevator, I followed her to some office. The walls and the floor were done in a decorative business-like way. We got to the door and she told me to go in and
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