A True UFO?
16 November 2023 | UFOs, Your Stories, Your True Encounters
Around 1999, I saw a UFO, in broad daylight one afternoon. I was in the backyard, in Walnut Creek, California, reading a book. I set the book down and was looking at the flat-bottomed Cumulous clouds, when out of the bottom of a cloud flew a 100% reflective, wingless object, that looked about the same size approximately, as a 20′ ocean shipping container, with a slanted front. There were no exterior appendages such as wings or motors. Other than that, it looked almost like the shuttlecraft from the Starship Enterprise. It came out of the cloud and did an immediate hard right turn, not a sweeping turn, an immediate hard turn as if to indicate “Whoops, I’ve been seen” and disappeared back into the cloud. All this occurred in a
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Chinati Peak UFO
16 November 2020 | Alien Abduction, UFOs, Your Stories, Your True Encounters
On August 6th, 1980 my grandparents were traveling from Odessa, Texas to Mexico due to a family emergency. They took off at around 11pm on the night of the 5th with their two kids, which is my dad and my aunt. My grandpa along with my grandmas uncle and brother were riding in the front seat with my grandma and the kids in the back. Between 2:30 – 3:00am and South of Marfa, Texas is when they saw something strange by the Chinati Peak mountains. They saw what seemed to be a big fire on the ground against a mountain. My grandma asked if it could be illegals trying to stay warm, her uncle said “I don’t think so, it would catch the attention of law enforcement and eventually get
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Strange Midnight Lights
21 May 2020 | UFOs, Your Stories, Your True Encounters
It was July 1984. I was driving from a friends house around 1:00 am. My friend lived the country and I was the only car on the road at the time. For perspective, I live in a rural small Farm town of 2, 000 people. Most friends live in the country so it’s not unusual to hang out and then leave late driving the county line road to town. Which I lived in. So as I was driving, I could see red lights way in the distance by where I need to turn to head home. I was probably a couple miles away but I saw red multi flashing lights off to the side of the road. I was headed straight to it and figured it was a bad wreck
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Gaining Time
11 February 2020 | Alien Abduction, Time warp, UFOs, Your True Encounters
My story starts in December, 1997. It was already dark so I decided to put my bike away because leaving it in the front yard, was an invitation to allow some one to steal it! According to the clock hanging in the dining room, it was 9:25 and the street was quiet. While I was outside grabbing my bike I saw something out of the corner of my eye. I looked up and saw it. It was a big silent UFO and it was low – I mean a block away right above the trees. It had real crazy blue and red lights that were bluer than blue and redder then red, and the white was so damn bright. There was also a smaller green light. I couldn’t see around
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Tracks of Change
14 November 2019 | Alien Abduction, UFOs, Your Stories, Your True Encounters
Hello to everyone and thank you very much for reading. This is my true story and the one that would mentally and physically change me forever. It started on December 7th, 2017, approximately 8 pm in a small Ohio town called Tipp City. I was about to start a new job and was needing gas money to get myself to work, so I decided to walk to a town called Troy to borrow money from my uncle. I did have a 6 pack of beer that I started to drink on before the walk just to warm me up. I was watching the movie The Door’s and I decided to start walking after my 4th beer. I opened the door and put my Blu tooth wireless headphones on and started
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Lilly the 13th sign
12 September 2019 | Alien Abduction, Haunted houses, Time warp, UFOs, Your Stories, Your True Encounters
I have always had a deep inner knowing. As a child I could always guess people’s names and know things. I have messages in my dreams and they have come true. I was always drawn to witches and the supernatural. As I grew up, I decided to go to a psychic to find out what all of this meant. I always felt different and from a different time or place. When I went to the psychic she told me I was a witch in a past life and I was hung and that is why I don’t like wearing anything around my neck. I froze for a moment because this is true. I never did like anything to right on my neck and never turtle necks etc. She went on
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Texas Oilfield Worker Encounters Aliens
06 September 2019 | Alien Abduction, UFOs, Your Stories, Your True Encounters
Hello, my name is Ronny Dawson. The story I am about to tell you seems too incredible to be true. I assure you it is. My images and story have been researched by experts across the globe. If I was trying to fake anything, I would have been called out years ago. I have even filed FAA Low Craft reports regarding the encounter. A crime punishable by law to fraudulently file such a report. The FAA suggested I file a report to NUFORC (National UFO Reporting Center). The term they used to describe the craft in the photo’s was UFO. The pictures were captured in 2011 but the story begins 2 years earlier in 2009. You see I am just an old truck driver. I work in the oilfield loading
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One Minute UFO’s
17 July 2019 | Alien Abduction, UFOs, Your Stories, Your True Encounters
My close encounter with a UFO took place in rural Iowa, back in 1992. I can confidently categorize this object as a UFO, because this object was definitely flying, and I was then – and remain to this day – at at a complete loss as to how to identify it. The object I observed was not one of those far away lights in the sky engaged in seemingly impossible maneuvers. No, this object passed slowly over my head at a height not much higher than nearby treetops. I stared directly at it for close to a minute. To some, one short minute may not seem long enough to lend credibility to an eye witness account of a UFO. I totally get it, because I am as skeptical as anyone. But
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A Lifetime of Strange Events
03 June 2019 | Alien Abduction, Shadow people, Time warp, UFOs, Your Stories, Your True Encounters
I’m Carlos, and I live in Portugal and I’m 43 years old. I wanted to share with you my life experiences with something that so far I cannot explain. I would like your opinion on this lifetime of occurrences. I will be as brief as possible otherwise you will have 100 pages of episodes with experiences. The reason I am sharing this with you is not to get a solution to my problem because there isn’t one, and it’s become a part of my life and routine. My wife knows about it and accepts it, my son wont probably know about it so he isn’t ridiculed – but I want to share this knowledge with you and maybe you can provide me with an opinion on the matter. I’ve been
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UFO’s & Demonic Shadow Figures
08 January 2019 | Haunted locations, UFOs, Your Stories, Your True Encounters
I am a veteran of the US Air Force and would like to share my personal stories of UFO sightings, and of a demonic entity. I was stationed in Okinawa, Japan at Kadena Air Force Base from 2000 to 2003. Okinawa is one of the most haunted places on earth. While stationed there in 2002 I witnessed a UFO fly over me at what seemed to be about 50 feet. It was diamond shaped aircraft and had numerous multi-color exterior lights. It hovered for a bit almost as if it sensed my presence. I quickly hid under a Banyan tree and in a flash, it shot off disappearing into the night sky. In 2003, I was attacked one night in my sleep by a dark, shadowy figure that held me
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