The Civil War Continues in the South: A Confederate Ghost Sighting

12 October 2016 | Time warp, Your Stories

Another interesting encounter with a Civil War soldier……

It was the fall of 1978; I was driving in the northern part of Virginia and I was in a very remote area where the hills rolled gently and there were no homes, barns, fences, riding trails or another motorist. I was really enjoying the scenery when I drove around a curve and there on the left side of the road, about half a mile ahead, was a horse with a rider. As I drove closer to the horse and rider, I noticed what the man was wearing; a full Confederate uniform with sleeve markings indicating a high rank officer. His uniform consisted of the grey in color pants, jacket, and full belt dressing with sword, a side arm, black hat, riding gloves and riding boots. As I drove past slowly, I waved and he tilted his hat. I will never forget the expression on his face. It was one of confusion and interest.

Being a Civil War historian, I was actually very surprised and enjoyed the experience. This person and his horse seemed as real as I would to you. I could not understand why someone would be dressed in this fashion in the middle of nowhere. He appeared to be dirty enough for me to notice from about several feet away. His beard looked wild and his hair was longer than the hat would cover. That’s when I decided it must be a ghost. This is the only thing that made sense to me. Once I found a place to make a turn, I drove back and there was no trace of the person.

Submitted by Anon.

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