The Black, Shiny Entity
06 September 2022 | Doppelgangers, Haunted houses, Your Stories, Your True Encounters
I’ve had so many things of a paranormal nature happen to me over the years starting when I was a very little girl up until last year when I turned 60 years old. I don’t know if I’m sensitive to these things, whatever they are, or I’ve just lived in places where the activity was already there and I am tuned into it. The weirdest thing I’ve ever seen was in broad daylight, around 2 p.m. My husband and I were watching TV and my mother-in-law, who lived with us, came out of her bedroom and went out the front door to sit on the porch in the sun. She had left the door open to the bedroom straight across from where I was sitting on the couch in the
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The Man Outside the Door
02 October 2020 | Doppelgangers, Your Stories, Your True Encounters
I have always believed in the paranormal and supernatural, and I used to wish I was sensitive and could have experienced more odd occurrences of the sort. I don’t wish that anymore. I’ve had a few occurrences through life that I would describe as paranormal, the scariest of which involved a doppelgänger of my father. I’d always felt uncomfortable, when living at my parents house, with coming downstairs by myself at night. From childhood to adulthood, it always made me feel as though I was being watched. Most times, if I had to come down after everyone else had gone up, it was to get a bottle of water from the pantry. The kitchen was set to the left of the staircase, and I had to walk down the length
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Texan Doppelganger
10 February 2020 | Doppelgangers, Your Stories, Your True Encounters
Ever since I was about 11 or 12 years old, people have often told me that I looked identical to someone else. I am a short, dark-skinned hispanic girl. Where I am from, my looks are not uncommon, but people swear I look just like her. Oddly enough, they never state her name. My sister once chased a girl believing it was me until she turned around and looked closely. The weirdest instance was when I went on a work trip to San Francisco for a conference. Outside of the conference, a woman stopped me and said “I can’t believe you made it to the conference.” I had never met her in my life. She stated “we are quite a distance from San Antonio”, which is where I am from.
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30 October 2019 | Doppelgangers, Your Stories, Your True Encounters
I work as a nurse at Guys hospital in London. A few years ago I was working on night shift. I saw one of my colleagues enter the charge nurse office in the morning around 7am. She did not say hello or wave to me. She did not come to the handover in the morning and I assumed she was on a management day. I thought no more about it. That night, I was on night shift again and this nurse phoned the ward asking for her duty rota.I asked why she had not got it that day as I had seen her going into the office in the morning. This nurse swore to me she had not been at work that day. That office was only used by senior
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10 May 2019 | Doppelgangers, Your Stories, Your True Encounters
Years ago. I used to work in a large department store. One afternoon I am coming down the main escalator that overlooks the entire first floor, I can hear someone calling my name. I get to the bottom and this elderly couple walks over to me and start hugging me and asking how I have been….Jeanne it’s so good to see you again, how are you?” I am unsure who these people are. I don’t want offend them so I ask if they are possibly friends of my parents, so I apologize to them and ask, “ who’s this?” They both looked so surprised and say, “don’t you remember us?” “We spent all that time together in Medjugoria.” “I’ve never been to Medjugoria.” “Your name is Jeanne right?” “ Yes
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My Doppleganger
17 November 2017 | Doppelgangers, Your Stories, Your True Encounters
My wife and I have been fascinated by the paranormal since we got married. We enjoyed watching paranormal shows about ghost hunting and learning about the subject. We never thought we would share a paranormal experience which also involved our teenage daughter. This experience would have to do with what might have been a doppelganger. At the time, we did not know what these things were called or anything about them at all. During the early years of our marriage we lived in a two bedroom apartment with our daughter. It was a summer afternoon and I had decided to go to the gym. Normally I would be there about an hour, give or take. I had been gone for just over 20 minutes according to my wife when it
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Evil Grandma in my Closet
14 October 2016 | Doppelgangers, Your Stories
This chilling story happened when I was around fifteen years old. My grandmother would spend a lot of time in my room trying to keep it tidy. She was a clean freak. One day I came home and found her staring into my closet. She wasn’t moving at all. It was like she was suspended in the middle of cleaning the closet. I asked her if she was okay but she totally ignored me. My eighty-five-year-old grandmother just continued to stare into the closet. Suddenly, she turned her head slowly toward me and gave me the coldest of stares. She had the evilest eyes I had ever seen! A chill ran up and down my spine. Those were not my grandma’s eyes, I thought. Then she looked away from me
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Photo of Doppelganger Causes Health Issues?
06 September 2016 | Doppelgangers, Your Stories
I posted on Reddit a while ago asking if anyone had had experiences with doppelgangers. To my surprise, I got several responses most of which I have already posted here. This is the last story of a doppelganger encounter from that source but it’s a creepy one…. Imagine, sitting in a restaurant and this happens! Years ago, I was out eating dinner at a local Carabbas restaurant with my mom. The large party table across from ours had a small girl around the age of 4 or 5 who two or three times walked over and called me “sissy” and wanted to sit in my lap. I didn’t think anything of it until her grandmother walked over. She apologized politely but hesitantly, and explained that I just so happened to
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Vacation of Death
20 August 2016 | Doppelgangers, Your Stories
The world is a strange place and so many people experience this strangeness once or twice in their lives. Take for example, this story sent in via email last week. Was this simply her imagination playing tricks with her? If so, where did the power that compelled her to enter the water come from? Or, as she suspects, was it her daughter’s doppelganger luring her to a premature end on the vacation of death? As a family, we love the beach so much that even when it rains, we are out on the beach when we take our yearly vacation. One year ago, we were on the beach looking for seashells, even though it was misting and a storm was starting to brew. My husband and our two oldest daughters
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Ouija Board Hell in America
17 August 2016 | Doppelgangers, ouiji boards, Your Stories, Your True Encounters
This is a very strange tale submitted by a site visitor in which her double is seen on multiple occasions and even spoken with on one. Was the doppelganger a result of playing with a Ouija board? Back when I was still in high school, a strange set of events occurred to me. It all began one night when my two younger sisters were in their bedroom on the second floor of our house with the door open. I was downstairs watching TV with my parents and had decided to go upstairs because it was late and I was ready for bed. When I went into the bedroom, my youngest sister looked at me and laughed. She asked why I had been on the stairs waving at her and smiling
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Doppelganger Strikes At University in United States
16 August 2016 | Doppelgangers, Your Stories
We have had a few doppelganger encounters this last year submitted but this one takes the biscuit as the most weird…. I was a sophomore at a university in California when this incident took place. I saw my roommate’s doppelganger. I’m not positive, but I think this doppelganger crossed over from a parallel universe. I say that because she looked, pretty sinister. She looked exactly like my friend, but she didn’t have the sweet smile my friend has. She looked twisted. Almost like a reverse mirror image of my friend. The smirk was definitely not anything my friend could have produced. At the time I’d never heard of a doppelganger, and I still wouldn’t call myself an expert. All I know is that I saw something that looked eerily like
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Haunted by Doppelgangers and the Bad Luck That They Bring!
09 July 2016 | Doppelgangers
We have had a few stories about doubles or Doppelgangers and the bad luck that they are reputed to foreshadow…. this one is a really creepy example of a family that appear to have been literally haunted by them. I have had several instances of doppelgangers. I had a period in my life when I was suffering from severe insomnia and depression. I was living with my mother then and wouldn’t sleep for 3-4 days at a time. One afternoon, I was finally able to fall asleep. Before I went to bed, I let my mom know that I was probably going to be asleep for a while. She told me she would be leaving to go visit a friend. She knew I was very tired. I drifted off to sleep after
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