Evil Grandma in my Closet

14 October 2016 | Doppelgangers, Your Stories

This chilling story happened when I was around fifteen years old. My grandmother would spend a lot of time in my room trying to keep it tidy. She was a clean freak. One day I came home and found her staring into my closet. She wasn’t moving at all. It was like she was suspended in the middle of cleaning the closet. I asked her if she was okay but she totally ignored me. My eighty-five-year-old grandmother just continued to stare into the closet.

Suddenly, she turned her head slowly toward me and gave me the coldest of stares. She had the evilest eyes I had ever seen! A chill ran up and down my spine. Those were not my grandma’s eyes, I thought. Then she looked away from me and walked into my closet closing the door behind her.

But when I went to my closet she wasn’t there. She had literally disappeared into thin air. Completely gone! I froze for a few seconds! Then I yelled for her and heard her say, “I’m down here in the kitchen! Dinner’s almost ready.” I ran to the kitchen to find her standing there cooking away! Then I asked her if she was here the whole time! “Of course I was, dear. Dinner’s not going to make itself,” she laughed. I mean, she had no idea what had gone on upstairs.

What did I find in my bedroom that day? I still have no idea.

Submitted by Anon.

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