Haunted locations

Mum’s Morgue Horror Stories

20 June 2020 | Haunted locations, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

My mum Is a paramedic, been in the NHS for 30+ years, a well known member of staff. And like her reputation. She is known for her fair share of ghost stories about the old morgue in north west england (not being specific for privacy reasons), which has now been torn down with the rest of the hospital and has a housing estate on it. Her most freaky one has to be when they dropped an expired patient at the morgue. This happened back in the 90s, when the hospital was still used. They had been in the morgue, handing over an expired patient. This next bit of info is important to the story. The ambulance bay was a concrete garage, with one tiny dim light inside and was directly

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A Sobbing Ghost

04 June 2020 | Haunted houses, Haunted locations, Your True Encounters

Langley Castle in Northumberland, England, is now a hotel as well as a fortified medieval castle. Those who know me will know I have a soft spot for haunted hotels and have even put out a book filled with reviews of haunted hotels. Langley Castle is also reputed to have been the inspiration for JK Rowling’s  Moaning Myrtle and Grey Lady, which both haunt Hogwart’s.  That is because it hosts the ghost of the Gray Lady who is regularly seen sobbing uncontrollably as she glides through the corridors towards a high window. She looks back with a tear-stained face, and then jumps and disappears… No one really is quite sure who the ghost is as the obvious candidates can all be ruled out. Reputed to be Maud de Lucy, who

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The Missouri Gargoyle

27 April 2020 | Haunted locations, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

So my story is from about 10 years ago. We lived in Franklin county, Missouri. My cousin is like my brother and me and him were bored one night and so we decided to go see a movie the town. The theater was only about 6 miles from where we lived. There was a road that we use to take back and forth to the theater to avoid police because we were in our early 20s and it was the time fast and the furious was big and we drove like idiots everywhere. Point being it was a quicker route. So it begins after we leave the theatre. I don’t recall what we went and seen but it wasn’t a horror film that would put us in that head space.

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The Man in the Roadway

22 April 2020 | Haunted locations, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

My senior year of high school I had a job that kept me out until midnight. As I was driving home one night I noticed someone walking beside the road. This is very strange because there was nothing around there for him to be walking to so I paid close attention to him to make sure he didn’t jump in front of me. He was wearing an early 1900s suit with matching suitcase. I continued watching him but he disappeared as soon as I started to pass him. I turned off the radio and sat in silence the rest of the way home. I didn’t believe in ghosts until that night when I saw one.   Submitted by Jordan Michael to weird Darkness and My Haunted Life Too

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19 March 2020 | Haunted locations, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

‘Balan-balan’ as it is known in Sabah (North Borneo) but also known by different names in Southeast Asian countries. It is a nocturnal vampire-like entity that feeds on new mothers’ blood, their babies or someone who is gravely ill. One must remember that most folklore or legends in these countries are handed down by word of mouth from way back when so the stories about how balan-balan feeds on its victims and how it came to exist vary from country to country in Southeast Asia. What I was told, the evil entity came to exist because of a woman who dabbled in black magic. So the story goes, she was startled by someone who walked into her house and saw her perform the ritual by submerging her body in water.

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Bobohizan (Priestess)

17 March 2020 | Haunted locations, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

(Bobohizan is a female spiritual leader, mediator, medium, advisor and a doctor to cure illnesses in the Kadazan community). My late maternal grand dad had a relative who was a bobohizan (unfortunately I don’t remember her name or her age); we used to call her nenek bobohizan (nenek means grandma). As a spiritual leader, she held a very important role in the village. Often people would come to her house seeking help to cure illness, to seek advise or as a medium between the living and the dead. She lived in a small house surrounded by thick bushes and the only way to get to her house was through the cemetery. She walked with a walking stick and her dog accompanied her wherever she went. Nenek bobohizan came to visit

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The Haunted Students Union

09 March 2020 | Haunted houses, Haunted locations, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

When I was in college, I had got a job working as an administrator of the Student Union at my school. Being that I am an administrator I would have to close the building. This building is on a campus of the oldest school in the state. It was used to draft soldiers for the Union army back in the Civil War. There were stories about people seeing ghostly figures walking up and down the hallway of the rooms on the top floor of the building. And, some other eerie things that would occur. It came down to the point that my boss would use the budget for our division to replace all of the locks. One day I was in the office on my laptop when a man and

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You call them Vampires, I call them Pontianaks

02 March 2020 | Haunted locations, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

If you ask anyone what a vampire looks like, I’m pretty sure they will tell you. They probably saw one in a movie, stories they heard as a child or they have seen it for themselves. As far as I know, vampires only exist in the western world because I’ve heard about them and watched movies about vampires. I’ve always wondered if vampires and ‘pontianak’ are the same. All I know is they’re blood sucking, evil ghosts! In some parts of South East Asia, people believe that a woman who dies whilst giving birth will come back as a pontianak (perempuan mati beranak in Malay language meaning a woman who died giving birth) and a pontianak isn’t any ghost you would like to mess with. Some people say if you

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The Water Witch

21 February 2020 | Haunted locations, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

This happened when I was nine years old. I’m now 28. Me and my friends Bill, Mark, Ben, were planning a sleepover before school started back up. So we decided it would be Ben’s house. We did what all boys do – watch movies, play video games and pranks. We decided to tell scary stories too. We all told ours except for Ben he started telling his about a woman who lived here like 70 years ago. She was a witch. She had killed her 9 boys in the lake behind their house. She brings them to the lake and drowns them. After that we went to bed about four hours. Later, I heard a sound like snag, drag, snag, drag as if someone was dragging wet clothing. I hit

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The Devil in Disguise

19 February 2020 | Haunted locations, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

(Sumansaa is the evil entity known by many in the Kadazan community in the West Coast Division in Sabah – North Borneo). The story about Sumansaa was told by my grand dad. He said the thing looked like a goat but it is actually a devil that only appears on rainy nights. The body is long; I remember grand dad said it was almost three feet long with its head and eyes tilted towards the sky. It doesn’t have any sense of direction at all instead a black bird sits on its head and help the goat find its way in the dark. Grand dad told me how he came face-to-face with the Sumansaa when he was in his 20’s. Not only that, he even chased the thing with his

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Mysterious Happenings at Stanley Hotel

31 January 2020 | Haunted locations, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

In late July 2019, I stayed overnight in the Stanley hotel with my parents, niece, and nephew. They stayed in Room 330, while I was in a different room on the 2nd Floor, nowhere near their room. I had been to the hotel before, but never toured or stayed before. The last time I went, I trekked down the stairs near the front desk. This led to a sort of underground tunnel. In this tunnel, my brother-in-law and I came across a small lounge/bar. I spoke with a few employees there for just a few minutes. Right away, I felt something uneasy in the air, and these employees confirmed my feelings. There were rapid temperatures changes, and feelings that someone else was right next to me, and just generally a

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The Forest Demon

28 January 2020 | Haunted locations, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

I was 15 and I remember it was around the beginning of October. I had just had dinner and decided to go wonder around outside since we lived in a subdivision that borders cornfield and forest there was always a lot to do. I wondered into a mowed field hoping to see a buck since they often hung out there in the afternoons eating leftovers from the harvest. My brother and I always tried to outdo each other by finding a buck with the most points on his antlers. So before I knew it, I had wondered out pretty far and I was surprised that I hadn’t seen a single deer or rabbit anywhere which was strange, so I decided to head back. As I turned around there was something

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The Ghosts of Miners Scared Me!

13 January 2020 | Haunted locations, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

So this is a bit of a story. But while I was dating my fiancé, I would spend my weekends at his ranch. His ranch was 50 miles out of town plus a few miles of forest road just to get to the front gate. And, it was located right on top of a very old failed silver mine from the late 1800-1910. The remains of the miner kitchen gave us that timeframe because of how the tins were sealed. Also, we had maps of where things where laid out. Plus the mine ruins. So, my one full summer there helping the ranch I spent weekends there, and helped with organizing the farmhands and stuff. And they kept talking about orbs in specific areas of the ranch. I understood some

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The Ghostly Inmate

08 January 2020 | Haunted locations, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

I was listening to some of your first responder stories (weird Darkness) today and it reminded me of something that happened when I was a deputy sheriff. I worked corrections 9am to 9pm so I worked day and night shift. One night I was leaving and stopped to talk to my LT. The jail was locked down and the night shift officers were starting to do their checks. We were talking over the day when he looked on the monitor and saw an inmate in one of the pods sitting at a table watching TV. I checked and saw the inmate myself. The pod was locked down and the lights were out but I could see this guy illuminated by the glow of the television. The lieutenant called for two

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The Unseen Dishwasher

30 December 2019 | Haunted locations, Your Stories

For 30 years I was a 911 dispatcher. You know the person who answers the phone when you call 911 and yell and scream at to make someone get there faster.. even though emergency personnel are driving as fast as they can? The building that I worked in the past 26 years was haunted by who/what we don’t know, but almost everybody that has worked there has had some type of experience. I mainly worked the graveyard shift, aptly named if you ask me. I enjoyed it because of 1. for the variety of calls you got and 2. I didn’t have to deal with the brass. So onto my story. I was working the graveyard shift a couple of years ago. The dispatch center had 6 cubicles where you

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