What Time is it? Asked the Hatman

13 November 2019 | Shadow people, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

My name is Nathan Romero. I am from Northeast Denver, in a neighborhood called Montbello. It was a summer night in late May early June and I was coming home from my night shift at UPS. As I am driving I can smell something awful-it smelled like something died and so bad I can taste it a little.  I continue driving with my shirt covering my nose and I lit a black and mild to mask the smell. I didn’t think anything of the smell as I thought maybe it was the waste management plant next to my neighborhood.

As I get closer to my block and the smell starts to get stronger, I gag a little bit and as I’m sitting at the stop sign before my house, I can hear all the dogs barking. I roll down my street smelling that shitty smell and listening to all of the dogs. I even hear my dog barking as I pulled into my drive way! I get out of my car and rush to the door and as I am looking for my keys, I hear a older black man’s voice say,

“ Hey young brotha, do u got the time?”

I look around and by my mailbox and tree where the drive way ends and I see a tall man in a hat a like a fedora and a coat, and I sit there and stare at him still smelling the shitty smell and listening to the dogs barking. My dog is now jumping on the front door violently. He tilts his head and says

“You ok?”

I pull out my phone and said yea its 2:55am and he says laughing,

“Alright u take care of yo self now.”

He walked past my yard and down the street. I was still looking at him trying to see his face but I couldn’t. All I saw was his hat and his long coat, and he looked like he was wearing gloves. I couldn’t stop shaking. It took me than a minute to open the door.

I opened the door and grabbed my dog from trying to go outside and I bolted into my room. I locked the door and didn’t sleep that night. I spent all night sitting on my bed holding my 45. I didn’t know who or what that was! I was terrified.

After that week, my friend was killed by the police and my cousin passed away the next month of a kidney failure. I never had an experience like that before. It still scares me til this day.

I looked up the man in the hat on Google and chills went through my body when his image popped up. I started listening to the Weird Darkness podcast a couple months ago, and was surprised how many other people have experienced this. I felt like he visited me because I was in to a lot of negative stuff at that time.


Submitted to Weird Darkness and My Haunted Life Too by Nathan Romero


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