A Voice From Beyond The Grave
19 November 2024 | June 2015, Your Stories
When I was about six, or seven, years old, our home phone rang. It was about 9pm at night. My mum was busy in the other room, so she asked me to answer it. When I did, at first I heard lots of static. I repeated over and over again, “Hello? Hello?” But nobody answered, just all this static. Thinking that must have been a wrong number, I started to hang up. But then a voice caught me. “Hello?” said the voice. To my surprise, it sounded like my grandfather. So I said, “Grandpa? Grandpa? I can’t hear you.” And he said something like, “Hi, baby. How are you? Can I speak with your mommy?” So, thinking it was my mothers father, who is still with us, I gave my mom the phone and left the room.
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The Old Man in the Graveyard
18 November 2024 | June 2015, Your Stories
I was at the crematorium just after my boyfriend Robert died. I was putting flowers on his plot. As you can imagine, I was very upset, I just missed him so much. I also think that sometimes our emotions can play tricks on us, so I am not sure if I had imagined it or if this really happen. I was there kneeling by the plot crying and talking to him, telling him how much I missed him. All of a sudden I looked round and there behind me was an old man. I still do not know where he appeared from as it was early morning and the crematorium was completely empty when I arrived. The “Old Man” smiled at me and said to me, “Do not worry and be upset. He is okay
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My Girlfriend’s Ghastly Friend
17 November 2024 | June 2015, Your Stories
The absolute weirdest experience ever was when I was dating a girl while in grad school, who admitted that she was kind of seeing someone else at the time, but he lived on the other side of the state. She told me that he and his previous girlfriend had been in a car accident the year before, yadda yadda yadda. One night, I looked out my window and there was something sitting on the balcony of my apartment, looking in at us. It was a woman, banged up and beaten up, with a huge gash in her neck. She just sat there, staring, and eventually disappeared while I blinked. The next morning I asked the girl if she knew what the other guy’s girlfriend had looked like, then described the
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A Haunted House
16 November 2024 | June 2015, Your Stories
We moved into our house on Halloween day, 2002. It’s located in “downeast” Maine about a mile and a half from the sea shore. It was built in the 1880s and at one time it was a pretty famous for chicken canning. One of the sons of the former owners was KIA in WWII. We have love letters he wrote his 3-month bride before he was killed right before the end of the war, 1945. The older gentleman who lived in the house prior to the people we bought it from actually died in the house and it was a few days before anyone found him. But it appears a young girl is haunting the place and we don’t know who she is or why. I have seen her,
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The Faceless Ghost
15 November 2024 | May 2015
This incident happened to my daughter about 15 years ago, which would put her at the age of 13. Her father and she had been visiting friends for the day. They had left the friends’ place at around eleven to head home. They were driving down a road that doesn’t see much traffic that night. My daughter and her father were talking about a trip they were going to take the next day. All of a sudden, up the road in the headlight, was a woman walking along side of the road. This was early September when the evenings get very cool. She had on shorts and was carrying something. When the car was about 20 feet behind her she stopped walking and turned around as if to see who
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Something Dangerous in the Woods?
14 November 2024 | May 2015
In May of 2000, my friends and I were out walking on an early evening. My friend, Dave, wanted to go to the cemetery just for fun; we wanted to get spooked, I guess. So we agreed. We went through all the graves and I found it creepy and felt as if someone was watching me from far away. So I looked behind me and I thought I saw someone hiding behind a tree, but I thought my mind was playing tricks on me, so I didn’t say anything. My friends were gathered around a tombstone; they found it interesting because it had some markings on it. Me and my friend, Rachel, went on to wander around when all of a sudden we heard someone crying out in the woods.
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Sharing A Bed With A Ghost?
13 November 2024 | May 2015
It was a December night and I couldn’t fall asleep. I have a younger sister who was already fast asleep in the other room. I felt cold hands tickle my feet. I said, “Angela!” (thinking it was my sister). I put my feet quickly under the covers and turned over, not thinking anything about it. Moments later, I felt something get into bed with me and they put their hand over my hand. I also felt their stomach going up and down against my back. When I turned over to see what my sister was doing up, nothing was there. I freaked out and screamed. I woke up my whole family. My uncle came in my room and asked me what’s the matter and I told him what happened. I
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12 November 2024 | May 2015
As the new Poltergeist movie opens this weekend, it reminded me of my own experiences…. When I was eleven, we moved. It was a good move to be honest from a terraced three up, two down in west Hull to a rather nice semi-detached outside of Hull. It meant a better school and a nicer environment back then. It stretched my parents’ finances a bit too. It is funny though that my brothers and I really did not like that house the first time we saw it. It had terrible wallpapers, it was gloomy and ill lit, very cold and damp without central heating. Between the three of us, there was no excitement at moving there. Of course, within a few months, that house was completely different. Central heating had
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The Elvis Presley Poster
11 November 2024 | May 2015
I come from Serbia and am now living in Sweden. All my life I have been a fan of Elvis, so I had a big Elvis Presley poster on my door. It had been there for about two years and one evening the poster fell down on the floor. I hung it up again, it fell down again. I cleaned the door and hung it up again, and it still fell down. I did the same about 10 times. The last time I threw it in the basket and went to bed. The first thing I heard on the radio the next morning was that Elvis died in his home – the same evening when my poster fell to the floor. Submitted by Tim Originally posted 2015-05-20 08:04:41.
Read More »Black Eyed Kids Promotion
02 November 2024 | Black Eyed Kids, G. Michael Vasey's Nightmare Corner, Your True Encounters
We set up a TikTok and made this clip … I thought it very good and quite scary so post it here…
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The Last Supper
30 October 2024 | Haunted houses, Haunted locations, Poltergeist, Your Stories, Your True Encounters
Everything was left in my old school house from the 1800s. The owner had died. How creepy. We immediately got to cleaning. I found a last supper plaster thar I hung above my stove. How beautiful. Three years later it would be the worst decision of my life. I’m sleeping. My kids are sleeping. I hear a crash and awaken violently, I look at the clock it’s 3 am. I call the police thinking my windows were smashed and someone was robbing me. When they arrive we go downstairs to find my last supper plaster had smashed on the floor. I told the cop what it was, he Said ” that is crazy”. They search the house no suspects. They go on their way. A couple days later my cats
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Ghosts Can Hurt You!
28 October 2024 | Audible Activity, Haunted houses, Your Stories, Your True Encounters
In December 2009, I was living with a boyfriend and my dad would occasionally come stay with me. Before moving in, we were living across the street with friends in their apartment. They had warned us of apartment 22, our friend Shane, said he could sometimes see and talk to spirits. He said the ghost in the apartment we were moving into was not a nice one. He said this ghost had taken their life in the apartment, and had other spirits under their control there. Once we moved in, immediately strange things started to happen. My cat would always stare at the corners of the room, up in the ceiling. I figured he was watching a black shadow figure I had seen sitting on the couch one night after
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Echoes of the Past
12 September 2024 | Your Stories, Your True Encounters
Our experiences with the paranormal weren’t confined to The Foundry or our mountain home. Even in other residences, we found ourselves brushing up against the inexplicable. In one of our previous homes, a beautiful Federation-style house built in the 1900s, our eldest daughter, then around seven years old, often spoke of a child named ‘Hammy’ who she said lived in her room. At first, we dismissed it as a typical childhood imaginary friend. Hammy seemed benign, keeping our daughter entertained with whatever games or conversations they shared. Curiosity eventually got the better of us, and we decided to look into the history of the house. To our astonishment, we discovered that one of the original residents was indeed named Hamish. The realization sent a shiver down our spines. Our daughter’s
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The Uninvited Guest
07 August 2024 | Haunted houses, Your Stories, Your True Encounters
After our experiences at The Foundry, my family and I thought we might find some respite in our mountain home. The house was sprawling, with a self-contained apartment downstairs, and we often enjoyed hosting gatherings there. Little did we know, our mountain retreat would soon become the stage for another series of inexplicable events. It was a warm summer’s day when we decided to throw a party, inviting friends and neighbors over for a barbecue. As the day mellowed into evening, I found myself in conversation with a neighbor, my gaze fixed on the downstairs apartment behind him. That’s when I first noticed it – a brown, shadowy figure darting back and forth inside the apartment at an unnaturally high speed. I knew the apartment was empty, which made the
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A Confrontation at the Foundry
20 July 2024 | Hat Man, Shadow people, Your Stories, Your True Encounters
Despite the frequent unexplained occurrences at my wife’s clinic in The Foundry, I’d never felt genuinely afraid. As a believer in the paranormal, I was more intrigued than scared by the events. However, there came a point when I decided it was time to address the situation head-on. It started on a sweltering summer evening. The shopping centre was closed, and I went to the store alone to restock supplies. The darkness didn’t bother me; in fact, part of me hoped to encounter something out of the ordinary. I wasn’t disappointed. As I moved about the store, I became aware of a large, black shadow in the shape of a man. He wore a wide-brimmed hat and paced up and down the hallway of our clinic. I greeted him with
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