The Hat Man on the Doorstep
01 November 2019 | Shadow people, Your Stories, Your True Encounters
When my husband was three, he and his family lived in base housing at Chess Air Force Base in Abilene’ Texas. The kitchen door to the backyard had glass in the upper half. He was in the kitchen and saw a tall man in black with a hat on standing at the back door. His father wasn’t home and his mother was putting his baby brother to bed. As my husband watched the backdoor opened by itself and he started floating across the kitchen towards the backdoor. His mother came in the kitchen and grabbed him. She ran with him into his brother’s room where they stayed until his dad came home. His dad didn’t believe them and his mom wouldn’t talk about it. Submitted by Brenda Victor to
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Repercussion of using a Ouija Board
31 October 2019 | ouiji boards, Shadow people, Your Stories, Your True Encounters
First off, I have been investigating the paranormal for 49 years. Having seen so much in this time, I have investigated some of the most haunted places here in Indiana. One place that stands out in investigating Central State Mental Asylum in Indianapolis, Indiana. Some of the best evidence was gathered there. Knowing the history of Central State made me want to investigate it even more. The story I am about to tell you is true and I will state my reputation on it. Back in 2003, my late wife bought my daughter a Ouija Board. I immediately told her to get rid of it. She asked me why and I told her, these devices can cause harm. She laughed it off and said, “Everything will be fine.” I said,
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A Lifetime of Strange Events
03 June 2019 | Alien Abduction, Shadow people, Time warp, UFOs, Your Stories, Your True Encounters
I’m Carlos, and I live in Portugal and I’m 43 years old. I wanted to share with you my life experiences with something that so far I cannot explain. I would like your opinion on this lifetime of occurrences. I will be as brief as possible otherwise you will have 100 pages of episodes with experiences. The reason I am sharing this with you is not to get a solution to my problem because there isn’t one, and it’s become a part of my life and routine. My wife knows about it and accepts it, my son wont probably know about it so he isn’t ridiculed – but I want to share this knowledge with you and maybe you can provide me with an opinion on the matter. I’ve been
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Shadows in My Home
28 May 2019 | Haunted houses, Shadow people, Your Stories, Your True Encounters
I have a story from when I was about 14 years old around 1999. I’m 34 now. I grew up in Portland, OR and our house was haunted. One night I was walking down the hallway to go to my bedroom and I saw a full black shadow figure run across the wall. I remember freaking out and running while grabbing my sisters (I was babysitting as my parents went out that night) at the time, 4 and 5. I ran up our driveway terrified, knees shaking trying not to cry out of fear. I remember it having a large brimmed hat and dark. I got the courage to go back and try to recreate it but I couldn’t. Same night I’m still watching my two little sisters. It was
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Shadow Witch and A Haunted Neighborhood
15 May 2019 | Haunted houses, Haunted locations, Old hag, Shadow people, Your Stories, Your True Encounters
I was born and raised in Tucson,Az. The youngest of four children. When I was about 5 years old we moved into the house I would spend most of my childhood. It was a new neighborhood at the time in the early 80”s on the northwest side of town. The house was a simple 3-bedroom ranch style house. It looked pretty much like all the other houses on the block. I was pretty fortunate that there were a few kids my age to play with. I became good friends with the kid next door. Wesley was his name. He was a year younger but he loved G.I. Joe as much as I did. We played G.I. Joe all the time and when we weren’t playing G.I.Joe we were exploring the
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The Love Spell
14 May 2019 | Shadow people, Your Stories, Your True Encounters
I was going through a break up with my daughter’s mother and wanted her back so I investigated a “cast a real love spell “website”. I followed the instructions and decided to light a candle. Well, I laid on my bed and closed my eyes. My vision began to strobe and I got up almost immediately as my phone rang. To my surprise it was my ex and the first words out of her mouth were when I get taxes back where do you want to move? We had a conversation for about an hour and just before hanging up, I blew out the candle and went to say my goodbyes and she had no clue what I was talking about and hung up on me. Well, I went to
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We Met the HatMan
13 May 2019 | Shadow people, Your Stories, Your True Encounters
One morning around 4 am I walked to go meet up with my cousin L. She was a supervisor at Macdonalds who worked the night shift/pre-morning shift. At that point in my life I was 17 and she was 22-years old. I guess you can say we were young and dumb. We smoked a lot of weed and partied a lot. That morning I had rolled a blunt and woke my little cousin up and asked if he wanted to come with me. He was like no I just fell asleep so I let him sleep. The walk was about half a mile from our place. It was still pretty dark by the time I reached my cousins’ work. On our way back from her work, I told her I
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The Hatman – I was in Danger
01 May 2019 | Shadow people, Your Stories, Your True Encounters
I don’t remember my exact age at the time. I think I was 4 maybe, but I remember it so clearly to this day, my encounter with the so called Hat Man. For the record I turn 20 this year. I lived a fairly normal life. Had both parents who loved me above all else. Nothing was out of the ordinary in our family, I wasn’t baptised though, but my grandmother wanted me to be. I was put to bed as usual and fell asleep after my lullaby. They both sang for me and left the nightlight on like usual since I was a little afraid of the dark, which became worse after that night. I woke up at night and felt something was wrong. It felt like I was
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I Saw the Hatman
18 March 2019 | Shadow people, Your Stories, Your True Encounters
I believe I saw the hat man. I was asleep, and for some reason woke up and was staring in front of me. I couldn’t move at all, but I noticed someone standing in front of our door. We have a hall night light outside our room, so it’s not pitch black. My husband keeps his vitamins on his dresser where the door is. So when I first noticed the figure, I thought it was him as he wakes up before me. I started to wake up more (I still couldn’t move) and felt my husband and baby still asleep next to me. Fear started to take over more, and I convinced myself someone had broken in.. I still couldn’t move. The dark figure just stood there staring at me.
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Not Scared of the Hatman
15 March 2019 | Shadow people, Your Stories, Your True Encounters
I was between the ages of 2-5 when I encountered a dark shadow figure. He had a round rim hat and long trench coat. It was all black. I couldn’t see its face or eyes and it was just an all-black figure. It never touched me or came close to me, it just stared at from a distance. It lurked and it felt like the nightmare lasted for hours. My mother told me I’d wake up screaming or I’d be sleep but screaming. It haunted me for years and then stopped. As I got older I forgot about those encounters. I definitely had my share of depression, stress, and pain throughout my adult years up until 2018. I experienced this awakening that’s hard to describe. I am definitely a different
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Last Night’s Bedroom Visitor
23 January 2019 | Shadow people, Your Stories, Your True Encounters
I guess it shouldn’t be much of a surprise that after three years of hosting the Weird Darkness podcast that something paranormal or strange would happen to me. That’s how I’d describe last night. My bride and I sleep in separate bedrooms because early in our marriage I was working nights, she was working days, and we just could never get used to having someone else in the bed with us. Add to that my snoring, need for some noise in the background, and only a sheet with a ceiling fan – while Robin needs complete quiet and a dozen blankets, and you’ll understand why we have the sleeping arrangements we have. But we still love each other immensely and “visit” each other a lot. It’s only the actual sleeping that
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The Dog That Wasn’t There
25 September 2018 | Haunted locations, Shadow people, Your Stories, Your True Encounters
In the English counties of Suffolk, Cambridgeshire and East Anglia they call the legendary ghostly black dog that is said to roam the countryside ‘black shuck’. Succa’ being the old English word for devil or fiend. But in Dorset where I live its better known as the ‘dark nonce’, nonce also being an old English world for a large, pre-neutered hound. But whatever term is used I wanted to tell you about the time i was camping near Raoul Castle in East Dorset and my encounter with a ghostly black dog. I liked camping on my own when i was younger but wouldn’t venture too far from where I lived. I had not long pitched my tent next to what in Medieval times would have been Raoul Moat when I
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Shadows on the cliff
21 September 2018 | Shadow people, Your True Encounters
I’m not really sure if this story is a ghost story in the true sense of the word but it’s definitely weird and does involve darkness so it might be what your looking for. I was about 8 or 9 years old when I had the chance to attend a Summer Cubs Camp in England. For those who don’t know Cubs is like Scouts but for younger children. Anyway, at the camp we did the usual things like building camp fires, hiking and generally behaving like hyperactive children do. There was about 10 of us in the troop and we shared a couple of tents between us. We were confined to these tents from about 9pm and as the leaders were still up until much later there was no real
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The Ghosts of St. Clair’s Defeat
19 March 2018 | Haunted locations, Shadow people, Your Stories, Your True Encounters
There are so many reports from my town and that backstory is the basis of the many paranormal incidents to my family and many other people I have known. But the town itself is maybe perhaps the story that I should start with. “Imagine yourself going past a field on a bright, sunny day and you see women and children dressed in period clothing and you don’t know anything about them. Then imagine so many paranormal events going on around you that you can’t seem to avoid, so it becomes normal for you. As the Bible said of Abel, “his blood crieth up from the ground” and this is what you hear from the many voices groaning and talking around you, where you can’t see anyone. People have witnessed ghosts
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The Ancients Walk At Night
06 July 2017 | Haunted locations, Shadow people, Your Stories, Your True Encounters
This story happened when my friends and I were traveling through the state of Utah. After having a few drinks at a local bar, we went back to the hotel. I looked at my watch and found that it was already ten in the evening. My friends are already asleep on a separate bed and all the lights are off except the one coming from the balcony where the light is still on. I felt restless. As a habit, I would grab my phone and started checking Facebook, scrolling down until I get sleepy and doze off. It wasn’t long before my sleep was interrupted by a movement in the room. I thought it’s one of my friends already awake and preparing for a day of hiking. I found it
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