Little Girl Ghost

30 May 2016 | May 2016

When my wife and I bought our first house, an old style built in the 50’s, almost every night we heard what sounded like light footsteps running down the upstairs hallway. My wife mentioned it to one of the neighbors and they said it was probably just birds on the roof. We live in a rural area so for a time that answer made sense so we basically got used to it and eventually ignored it.

Later our first son was born, and when he was just a toddler he would balance all of his toys on top of other toys and could make them spin without them falling over. It was the strangest thing I’ve ever seen in my life. When he was two-to-three we would hear him talking in his room at night, and one night I asked who he was talking to. He explained that he was talking to “the girl who lives in the wall. She’s usually nice, but sometimes she scares me.” He described a girl with brown hair in a yellow dress who would play with him sometimes, and woke him up at night. As freaky as this sounded to me he didn’t seem bothered by any of it, just startled sometimes.

We looked up the history of the house but didn’t find anything about any girls or anyone of his description that could had lived there. Eventually our son stopped talking about her and a few years later I ended up taking a job with another company and we moved. The house was empty for several months after we moved and the neighbor across the street called one day. She said that about a week after we left she thought she saw our daughter looking out the window so she waved to her – and then she remembered we didn’t live there anymore.

Submitted by Eric


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