The Crooked Fiddler

12 December 2017 | Haunted locations, Your True Encounters

Where the town of Bradley Stoke near Bristol in the UK was built, there once stood a small wood called Fiddler Wood, its name lives on as Fiddlers Wood Road. The wood is said to have got its name from the legend of a creepy old man who used to tempt children from the local farmhouses into the woods with the sound of his fiddle. He’s sometimes described as a dark or shadowy figure. And although Fiddlers Woods no longer remains, there are several other small areas of woodland in the town and people often report hearing disembodied music coming from the woods at night or echoing around the time on summer evenings. There’s even been sightings of the figure as recently as 2015, in one of the local pubs, the Bailey’s Court Inn which is one of the original farmhouses.

Submitted by Richard Chambers

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    One thought on “The Crooked Fiddler

    1. I’ve heard about the crooked fiddler since i was a kid, my school i went to was near where the woods used to be and some of the teachers use to blame the crooked fiddler when stuff went wrong.

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