14 November 2016 | Black Eyed Kids, Your Stories
This happened to me a few nights ago. I can’t explain it. But from my research, I think I had an encounter with the black-eyed kids you have been posting about. Please share my account with others.
Last Sunday, I headed out to mow my lawn. In the front of my house I have a large garden. To my horror, someone had been by and stepped all over my roses. I was very angry and upset, but resolved myself to putting some work in and fixing my garden. The next day, I saw two kids walking down my road. Keep in mind my road has several houses, so we all know each other quite well. It’s a very nice community. These kids looked to be around thirteen or fourteen years old.
At about 11:00 p.m., I felt tired, switched off the light, and went to sleep. I woke up two hours later because I heard some strange noises near my front door. The next thing made me jump out of the bed. It sounded like someone was trying to force entry into my house. I grabbed my cell, just in case I had to call the cops. I ran to the kitchen to check who was at the front door. The only problem was that there was nobody there, and I still could hear the noise. I locked the doors up and down again and left the key inside, just to make sure that nobody could get in, and I went back to my room.
I always sleep with the curtains open because I like to watch the moon as I go to sleep, only this time there was no moonlight. There were three children outside my window and they had totally black eyes and pale looking faces. I felt an absolute and overwhelming sense of terror.
I think they were all about the same age, but sensed they were very, old. Don’t ask me how I knew that. One child was repeating: Let us in… and tapping on the window. I knew that I couldn’t do what he asked. I could sense danger as it had a smell attached to it. I don’t know how else I could explain it. Anyway, the child was repeating: Let us in… let us in… let us in… constantly, and I jumped into my bed shaking and crying. Every time I heard the knock and the request, I was shivering like crazy and crying.
It went on for the next few hours and I don’t know whether I finally fell asleep or they just left. I don’t even know if they got inside my house. What I do know is that I woke up absolutely drained of energy. I can’t stop my thoughts from going back to that night, and I was praying that this will never happen to me again. What the hell are these things?
Barry Roberts, Arkansas
PS Guaranteed to scare you half to death – do NOT read this at bedtime….. The Black eyed Kids.
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