Grandpa James and the Haunted Vase

14 December 2016 | Haunted items, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

Today’s encounter is one that I really like….. Imagine being left such a gift?

I was fifteen years old when this incident took place. A couple of years before my grandfather had passed away. He had lived with us for as long as I can remember, and took care of our family while my mom worked full time. He had a very strong presence, was psychic and had always believed in ghosts. When he passed over to the other side, my mom moved us to live with my grandma and uncle until she could find steady work. That’s when we noticed some strange occurrences taking place. It was just small things to begin with like ornaments that were slightly re-arranged when we weren’t looking, lights going on and off by themselves, and a lot of unexplained noises. We believed my grandpa had followed us to our new home.

Later mom found us an apartment to live in. The same things started happening only more often this time. Lights would spend all day going on and off, noises at night, howls, creaks and I even felt someone lie down beside me in bed one night, but there was no one there. I ran out of the room screaming.

Then came the vase. We found it on the top shelf of the linen closet, shortly after moving in. It was small and delicate, and had hand-painted roses on it – grandpas favorite flower. In his younger days, he had been an award-winning gardener. His prize was for his roses… the inside of that vase smelled strongly of roses. After placing it in the living room we discovered that very slowly, over the course of several hours, this vase would fill with water and the whole house would smell of roses! It felt very eerie at first, but over time it just seemed to be normal. It became a comfortable routine, each of us taking turns emptying it when it would overflow. This went on for months. One afternoon as I sat alone on the sofa, I asked audibly if the vase was a gift from Grandpa James. I asked for him to give me a sign if it was. I heard a noise and saw that the vase had tipped over – spilling water all over the table. It scared the daylights out of me but I took it as a sign from it. After that the phenomena seemed to stop. He had made himself known.

Submitted by Anonymous

PS – The Early Years by G. Michael Vasey – The Rockin’ Ghost Story Teller…. Give it a listen?

PPS – True Tales of Haunted Places – Your Tour Guide to Spooks and their hangouts!

You can find more Black-Eyed Kids stories here....

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