The Devil by my Bed

07 March 2017 | Your Stories, Your True Encounters

When I was seven I lived with my grandmother in Dallas, Or. I went to bed after a late night at about nine o clock. I slept well through the whole night and my experience happened when I woke up in the morning. I opened my eyes and looked over to the side of my bed to see an entity I can only describe to you as something like a devil – or half of one anyway.

When I was young I could never see a full ghost or spiritual entity, but I could see its features well. This demonic entity’s head looked like a purple and black donkey with giant yellow teeth that were sharp. It was looking out of the window for a few seconds before it realized that I was looking at it. Then it turned its head and stared me down, smiling this horrid smile at me that made it look like it was out of loony toons. It leaned in on me to so that it was just three inches from my face and I could feel the weight on my body. At last I closed my eyes and when I reopened them, the head deformed and disappeared like mist. When I usually see spirits or something of the manner, “like mist” is usually how I see them disappear. I was seven and I was so scared stupid and I didn’t tell anyone until now, and I am almost eighteen.

I just recently told someone in my close family. That night I didn’t even tell my grandmother because I knew she wouldn’t believe me.

It was so scary to me that I have had it imprinted in my brain for ten years.

Submitted by Zac Sigleer

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