The Party Ghost – Paranormal Experiences of a Student

15 June 2017 | Your Stories, Your True Encounters

This happened several years ago while I was in college. I was staying with some friends who lived in an apartment complex. We stayed up until late and then we decided to get some sleep. They showed me to my room, I went to bed and I was drifting off when I felt someone come into my room. I opened my eyes and was immediately startled as there was a shadow of a woman with long black hair parted down the middle and what seemed like a long flowing gown or robe. I could not see her face, it was shadowed, but I knew it was a woman. She was standing at the foot of my bed, on the left side. She reached out with her hand and touched my foot. Then once she had touched me she vaporized into a black mist and hovered above my bed, specifically in a corner of the room. I watched as this mist, which looked like a mixture of black smoke and electrical current, just disintegrated. I sat up and tried to comprehend what just happened and why? But just figured it was something I may have to get used to, and to be more prepared spiritually. I certainly never stayed in that room again.

Connie B, New Hampshire

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