That’s Another Fine Mess You Got Me Into…..

08 January 2018 | Evidence?, Ghosts in the news, Haunted, Your Stories

British newspapers are carrying a story about the ghosts of Stan Laurel (of Laurel & Hardy fame). Mickey Vermooch of Scarborough claims to have met and talked to the spirit of Mr. Laurel in the derelict King’s Cinema in Bishop Auckland in Country Durham, England. He also claims to have photographic proof of the encounter. According to the Daily Star, he described ‘Stan’s voice as gentle and claimed the comic smelled of Macassar oil, a hair-styling product popular in Victorian times. He said: ‘Stan said he was at peace and told me, “This is where I had my happy times. This is where I belong”.’ Here is the photograph…..

You can catch the full story here.

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