Touched By A Guardian Angel On A Rainy Day

06 June 2018 | Your Stories

Not a creepy tale at all. Maybe a more uplifitng story for Wednesday is in order? Maybe this is something for us all to take comfort from? Is there someone watching over us and making sure we stay safe?

A few years ago, something strange happened. I’m not sure if I can call this a paranormal occurrence but I want to share it with you. Make of it what you will.

I was sixteen, still attending school and on this day… very late. I had overslept, missed my bus, missed my breakfast and I was looking at walking all the way to school in the pouring rain which was at least a forty-five-minute walk. I was halfway down my street when a car pulled up and a man opened his window.

“Can you give me directions?” he asked.

I turned and looked at him. He was just an average guy. Nothing spectacular. Just a normal middle-aged man. Not creepy at all.

“Yes,” I said.

“Can you give me directions to the nearest Safeway?”

“Yes,” I said. I gave him the directions and realized that the Safeway wasn’t but a few minutes’ walk away from the school. After giving him the directions, I asked if I could ride with him. I explained that I was in an awful hurry. He said that was fine. As he drove we didn’t talk much but he seemed to know I was in a hurry. I know he was driving as quickly as he could.  Eventually we arrived at the Safeway, but he insisted on dropping me off outside the school. As I got out he said, “lucky I was around to give you a lift.”

Later it dawned on me that this was an absolutely crazy coincidence. A man is driving down my street at the right time and wanting to get to the same place I needed to go. I can’t believe this was sheer luck—but there’s nothing about it that screams paranormal to me. There were no spooky moments. He was a completely normal guy.

It was suggested later by one of my friends that this man could have been my guardian angel. This starts a lot of “what ifs.” Why was it so important for the universe to get me to school that day?


Have you tried these great #paranormal books from G. Michael Vasey? If you’re looking for true tales of the paranormal to keep you chilled throughout this summer season… just click here.

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